Universal Divinity Blog

Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity

Our Sacred Independence

On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress ratified the Declaration of Independence and the United States of America was born. On that day, we formally declared our independence and freedom from any foreign government. We had come to America to escape the tyranny and oppression of government, and our Founding Fathers created for us a government that would rule at the pleasure of the People. They gave the Rights to the individual in the attempt to protect us against the political tyranny that governments always eventually seem to embrace.

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UDMIP Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity UDMIP Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity

Freedom of Press

Universal Divinity Ministry™ International Press™ exists to support independent journalists in areas of the World where truth is the victim of tyranny, corruption, and oppressive regimes. We are committed to exposing government and corporate corruption, along with the economic, environmental, and humanitarian consequences.

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Universal Divinity Doctrine Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity Universal Divinity Doctrine Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity

What Makes Us Different?

Universal Divinity Ministry™ is here to offer the Spiritual Aspirant the opportunity to grow without the oppressive constraints of strict adherence to any single Dogma. We chose to be a Non-denominational Ministry because we understand that the Creator's Truth can be found in many religions and teachings.

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Memorials Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity Memorials Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity

Remembering Our Heroes

Memorial Day is a day to celebrate the brave soldiers who have defended America, our Constitution, and our allies abroad. It is a day to remember those who died in the Revolutionary War when the fate of our nation was yet undecided. It is a day to remember the bloody Civil War, the outcome of which shaped our nation. Remember everyone who ever wore the uniform and fought for their Country, and be proud of them.

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Memorials Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity Memorials Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a celebration of the American Way of Life made possible by the sacrifice of our brave soldiers.

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Universal Path Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity Universal Path Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity

Path of Inherent Divinity

The Constitution of the United Sates recognizes that we are ALL endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable rights which shall not be infringed upon. They wished for us to have Free Will and opposed a tyrannical government. We hold these truths to be sacred and self evident.

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Universal Traditions Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity Universal Traditions Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity

Happy Easter, Blessed Ostara

The night of the Spring Equinox is Holy to people across the World. It is a symbol of renewal and Resurrection as well as a sign that planting season has arrived. Our veneration of this night is lost in pre-history and still continues today.

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Sabbats & Esbats Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity Sabbats & Esbats Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity

The Worm Moon

Blessed Esbat. Tonight is the Worm Moon, powered by the transformational residual energies of the Spring Equinox.

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Pagan Religions Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity Pagan Religions Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity

Blessed Ostara

Ostara offers a reverent farewell to Winter and a joyful welcome to Spring. This is the time to seek , and to find, Balance. The God grows old and nears his slumber while the Goddess awakes refreshed and fertile, prepared to bless us with abundance.

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Memorials Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity Memorials Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity

In Memory of Cole

We celebrate the birthday of Cole Lee Hoeflich who would have been 32 years old today, March 10, 2024.

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Outreach Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity Outreach Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity

Farming in Africa

Noted Environmentalist and Farmer, Kebba Omar Jobe, is partnering with Universal Divinity Ministry to establish self-sustaining communities across Africa. Kebba, an experienced farmer, wishes to travel to the villages, schools, orphanages, and Missions that are suffering from food insecurity and monetary hardship. He will establish community farming operations, providing food security and income.

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Religious Sites Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity Religious Sites Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity

Our Visit to Rhoda Wise Home

Universal Divinity Ministry visited the Rhoda Wise Home in Canton, Ohio. Rhoda was a mystic and stigmatist, who was devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, St. Therese, the Little Flower, and the Holy Rosary.

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Sabbats & Esbats Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity Sabbats & Esbats Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity

The Snow Moon

Tonight’s Esbat has the distinction of being the Snowy Moon. It is also, Purnima, a sacred day to the practitioner’s of the Hindu Religion. Tonight’s moon is especially conducive to spiritual operations involving cleansing and the offering of prayers. Tonight, the rays of the moon carry the blessings of the Full Moon to Earth.

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UDMIP Zambia Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity UDMIP Zambia Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity

Unsafe Conditions, Government Corruption

Universal Divinity Ministry™ is actively engaged in outreach to Africa. Many months ago, we met an outstanding individual, an Environmental Activist and Social Justice Warrior, who asked us to help him change conditions in Africa. We began discussing how we could help, what his vision of change looked like, and what we would require in order to bring change about. Universal Divinity Ministry has pledged to bring the truth to light and we need your help and support.

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Memorials Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity Memorials Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity

In Memory of Ryan

February 18 marks the anniversary of the death of Universal Divinity Ministry co-founder (in absentia), Ryan T. Ruland.

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Sabbats & Esbats Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity Sabbats & Esbats Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity

The Wolf Moon

The Wolf Moon is a magical Esbat that is perfect for knowing one’s self and experiencing the glory of the Universe.

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Pagan Religions Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity Pagan Religions Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity

Blessed Solstice, Joyous Yule

Yule, the night of the Winter Solstice, is a most sacred night for those who follow the Primal and Indigenous Religions of Europe, modern day Pagans, Wiccans and others. Inscribe and burn your Yule log and celebrate the rebirth of the God. The Yule log brings a powerful blessing.

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Pagan Religions Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity Pagan Religions Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity

Blessed Be

Samhain is a most sacred night for those who follow the Primal and Indigenous Religions of Europe, modern day Pagans, Wiccans and others. It is a special night when the Goddess finishes her labors and the God assumes control for the Winter.

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