Blessed Be
Blessed Samhain!
Samhain is a most sacred night for those who follow the Primal and Indigenous Religions of Europe, modern day Pagans, Wiccans and others. This day represents the transition of seasons from Summer to Winter and is the beginning of the Celtic New Year. Samhain signifies balance and marks the spiritual transfer of Power from the Goddess to the God. On this Mystical night, we are between the worlds of the God and the Goddess, under the influences of both but neither are fully focused upon the human realm. It is a time to celebrate and a time to be wary. It is a time to seek Wisdom and a time to beware of trickery from the Fae spirits.
The Nurturing Mother, the Goddess, has given us our Harvest and must now rest for the Season. The All Father, the God, will ascend to Power that will last through the long, harsh months of Winter. It is tradition that all of the crops must be harvested by October 31st and on November 1st, the animals must be slaughtered and salted in celebration of the return of the God. Whether you call them Odin and Freya, Cernunnos and Cerridwen, or by another Sacred Name, the Magic and the meaning are the same, steeped in rich History and tradition and filled with Powerful, Ancient Archetypes.
Universal Divinity Ministry joins our Brothers and Sisters in bidding a reverent farewell to the Goddess and and a solemn welcome to the God. We will join you in the search for Knowledge and Wisdom on this night when all of the Spirits of Nature are watching and can be reached.
Blessed Be.
Bide the Wiccan Rede, ye' must,
In perfect love, in perfect trust...
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill;
An it Harm None, Do What Ye Will.
-The Wiccan Rede (an oral tradition)