Universal Divinity Ministry

Appalachian Outreach

The most socioeconomically depressed and under represented segment of society is that which resides in what is known as the Appalachian Region. Universal Divinity™ will provide any goods and services at our disposal to the people of this region, while respecting and preserving their noble way of life.

Research & Development

Climate change and sustainability go hand in hand. Universal Divinity will support efforts to clean up the environment and we intend to have a thriving research and development program aimed largely at ending the need for the use of fossil fuels.

Disaster Relief

More and more often people find themselves victim to flood, fire, and other natural disasters. Through no fault of their own they are plunged into a nightmare that can be life threatening and difficult to recover from. Universal Divinity is prepared to respond to disasters, rendering aid, counseling, and other needed goods and services.

African Outreach

Universal Divinity became aware of an ongoing crisis in Wakiso, Central Region, Uganda. A brave and compassionate man named Eric Ssewakiryanga of the Dream and Hope Achievers Family (DHAF) has taken responsibility for feeding, housing, and educating a group of children that includes twenty who were orphaned. DHAF is a Community Based Organization (CBO), recognized by the Ugandan government, but receives no funding. Universal Divinity is going to support and help fund Eric and DHAF.

Appalachian Outreach

One of the last beautiful and largely unspoiled areas of the Eastern and Southeastern United States is the magnificent chain of mountains called the Appalachians.

Appalachia is a remote and largely isolated place that modern, urban sociologists like to call underdeveloped and rural. They seem completely oblivious to the beauty and unique culture that evolved in the region, including Native American Tribal Lands and the customs and traditions that endure there today. The Appalachian Region deserves more attention and respect for its many contributions and the goodness of its people.

Mountain people are unlike any other. They have core values more pure and simple than most and which work.

Long before the European settlers arrived, the Appalachian Region was already home to many Indigenous Tribes of People, those whom we refer to generically as “Native American”. Many tribes flourished and lived in Harmony with Nature in the Appalachians. The Pennacook, Mohican, and Susquehanna had occupied the Northern half of the Appalachians for centuries before Europeans entered their lands. In the Southern half of the Appalachians, the Cherokee were the dominant Tribal Nation. The Cherokee also venerated and lived off the land. Nurturing the Earth and bringing to it Harmony and Balance was a way of life.

When the Europeans did arrive at the Appalachians, so did warfare and strife. Eventually, the Native Americans were evicted by force from their Tribal Lands and homes, sent to dwell far from the Spirits of their Ancestors and from their Sacred Places. By the first half of the 1800s, most of these Indigenous Populations had already been driven out. On the infamous Trail of Tears (1838-39), people from the Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek, Chickasaw, and Seminole Tribes, along with others, were forced to march in winter conditions to an “Indian Territory” in Oklahoma. 15,000 human beings died on the Trail of Tears, but forever will their Legend and their Presence, the Spirits of their Ancestors, linger in the Appalachians. It is a Sacred Place and not for the Profane.

Europeans largely considered settling in the Appalachians too difficult and challenging. The terrain was inhospitable to the Power Seeker’s vision of “progress”, too expensive to navigate and explore. The mountains were vast and complex, the terrain crisscrossed with dangerous rivers and streams, and all within a dark and dense forest, primeval.

It was the wide waterways leading into the Central Region of the Appalachians that first allowed settlers access to the area. Made mostly of groups of Germans and Scotch-Irish, these explorers forged into the interior of Pennsylvania and continued their Southern Migration through the ‘Great Appalachian Valley’ into Virginia and Tennessee.

The famous American Frontiersman, Daniel Boone, further helped settlers reach habitable areas of the Appalachians by exploration that led to the location and opening of the Cumberland gap. The Cumberland gap is a passage near the juncture of Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia.

It was Paradise.

And our greed soon found it and destroyed it, as we so predictably have done throughout history. Because of the terrain and difficulty with building, shipping, etc., it was soon decided that Appalachia would simply be exploited, a monument to all of the worst parts of humankind.

They cut down the trees and shipped them away. They raided for plants, for herbs, and took far more game than they needed. They dug in the ground and found that it was rich in minerals and coal. That was the death knell for peace in the Appalachians.

Those with Wealth and Power descended upon Appalachia as a pestilence, anxious to rape every reachable part of the mountains. They built squalid “Company Towns” for miners and loggers, who they forced to work in hellish conditions for very little pay. Often, the exorbitant prices of the “Company Store” would leave a miner or logger in debt after a week of deadly work in the mines or amidst the falling timber. The Power Seekers grew richer and violently suppressed any complaints that arose from the largely forgotten, isolated, and ignored people of the Appalachians.

That history lingers in many Appalachian areas today, a tangible and open mistrust of strangers or outsiders. Appalachian natives are close-knit and have shared experiences unique to their way of life that unites them and identifies them as being a distinct, relevant and evolved Culture.

Many mines have closed, and each closing left many people without work, driving the economic depression of the Region. Many areas still remain almost inaccessible, having been built in places that could not be reached by roads. Nor would it be possible to bring in the workers and equipment necessary to build roads now, the terrain simply won’t allow it. These are the areas which most desperately need our help RIGHT NOW. Universal Divinity works directly with other Ministries and Organizations to identify and serve those who are most at risk. No matter how deep in the mountains, no matter the streams or rivers we must cross, we will get the job done directly, cheaply, and efficiently.

In Summation;

There are many factors that contribute to poverty in Appalachia. There is a lack of job opportunities, a lack of basic public services, a rugged mountainous environment, and an abundance of health hazards. Nearly all of the region is pristine and remote, a place where Primal and Primal Indigenous Spirituality still lies heavy upon the land.

Over 40% of Appalachia’s 26 million residents are remote. Sometimes the educational standards in these rural areas are blamed for lower employment rates, but Universal Divinity does not necessarily view this as anything more than the attempt to convince Americans that people in the Appalachians are “uneducated”, when what they mean is that they are not “indoctrinated”. Appalachia is not greatly effected by the so-called “woke” agendas that have destroyed most of the schools that are NOT in the Appalachians. Universal Divinity reveres the Natural ways of the Appalachians and are here to help it stay as it wishes to be and seeking sustainable, acceptable solutions. We will ask the Appalachian people what they want. What they need.

And most importantly, we’ll revere their Divine Free Will and we will ask what they DON’T want.

We aren't missionaries, off to destroy another people's Culture and Religion and to replace it with our own. We are nothing more than friends and neighbors who are just checking in on some folks we heard could use a little help. We are proud to help and want everyone living the Appalachian Life to be proud of that choice.


  • The Appalachian Region is a 205,000 square mile area that follows the spine of the Appalachian Mountains from Southern New York to Northern Mississippi.

  • It includes 420 counties across 13 states: Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.

  • The Appalachian Region’s 26 million residents are scattered throughout those 13 states including several Native American Tribes.

  • 82 of the 420 Appalachian counties are considered “distressed” or “at risk” communities.

  • Please note that there are many “at risk” areas commonly found in counties which are not themselves on the at risk list.

  • To be considered distressed, by the scale created by the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), these “have a median family income no greater than 67% of the US average and a poverty rate of 150% of the US average or greater”.

  • There is reportedly a substance abuse crisis and a need for counselors which Universal Divinity can provide.

  • 33% of Americans hold a bachelor’s degree while only 25% of Appalachians have a bachelor's degree.

Disaster Relief

There is no reason to be overly specific or make limiting statements in this section since Universal Divinity intends to be a ready and reactive Ministry, willing and able to go to great lengths in times of great need, to help others. That is our Disaster Relief Mission.

Being a Global Organization, we are constantly growing and our membership is increasing, which also increases the number of volunteers, the impact we can make, and the area we will be able to cover. It increases the good we can do. It increases not just the number of lives that can be saved but helps restore hope. Our efforts offer people a measure of security that all disaster victims require for healthy recovery, and gives those who need to talk access to Ministry Counselors once they have been rescued.

As stated, we do not limit ourselves by proximity to, or the type of disaster. We will respond to any situation that is a source of human suffering: flood, tornado, hurricane, volcano, etc.

Since we are a Ministry, we rely heavily on professional organizations who do specialize in Disaster Relief and other areas of interest. Universal Divinity would like to take a moment here to recognize a Spark of Divinity™ that always can be found burning brightly in some of the Earth’s darkest most desperate Places: The American Red Cross. We consider them to be the very best at what they do and they do it more often than anyone else on the Planet, putting the “efforts” of both Governments and other charities to shame. On average, they respond to an emergency every eight minutes, or more than 60,000 a year. They show up at everything, “from small house fires to multi-State natural Disasters, the American Red Cross goes wherever we’re needed so that people can have clean water, safe shelter and hot meals when they need them most”. If what they accomplish isn’t amazing enough, know that they do it with a Disaster Relief Force that is 95% volunteer.

Inspiring and inspired!

For all of you out there who do feel the need to go to the aid of those in harms way, Universal Divinity will welcome you to our Disaster Relief program. We urge every interested soul to seek training that would be beneficial in a disaster situation and we recommend the excellent and comprehensive training/Certification classes hosted by the American Red Cross. For each American Red Cross Class you take and Certificate you earn, you will be recognized by Universal Divinity, gaining access to exclusive regalia and items that can only be EARNED through brave deeds, unwavering dedication, and devotion to serving those in need, even when doing so puts you at risk. Those who prepare and are able to Lead from the Front will be elevated and given more responsibility, such as becoming a Universal Disaster Team Leader. Our Disaster teams will maintain the highest standards and consult often with the American Red Cross to promote training, readiness and volunteerism.

When chaos reigns and life is uncertain, that is when you face the test of the Courage of your Convictions, and if you remain steadfast on the Path, it can Ignite your Spark of Divinity™ like a lightning strike, all at once and with great Force.

Research & Development

Universal Divinity can feel the Earth dying. We can see it. We will not be deniers of the Truth because it is a terrifying Truth. Because it is terrifying, we will confront it directly and with no dissembling. We, Globally and as a species, won't have very many more opportunities to speak honestly and act appropriately. Soon, it will be too late for that. Too late for Earth.

There is so much noise in this world, the chaos of conflict and the lack of Reason induced by fear. We are inundated by the Power Seekers with promises that Earth’s goals of emission-free sustainable energy is on the horizon, but it is not. Not, at least, due to anything they will do.

Let us give you, for example, this short-sighted, overtly misleading and dishonest “political solution” that is so widely loved by politicians and the lobbyists who fund their folly: Electric Cars.

Electric cars need to be charged and that requires the continued existence of an electric grid. The additional strain on the grid and the constant need for electricity to be available to power electric cars will require the production of significantly more electricity, and that requires burning significantly more coal. While the emission from the automobile is reduced, the Wealthy Power Seekers will still retain control of OUR grid and increase their practice of indiscriminate pollution by increasing, not decreasing, production of electricity. They are frothing at the mouth to rape Mexico for its newly discovered lithium deposit as I write these words.

Further, Ward’s estimated that there were 1.4 billion cars in use globally in 2019. Each of these cars requires a battery to operate. Imagine 1.4 billion cars equipped with lithium-ion batteries, which are dangerous to use and almost impossible to safely destroy. While it is often touted that the batteries are recyclable, the battery manufacturers do not make them with recyclability in mind, only cost, and the process of recycling is dangerous and often avoided. A good percentage of lithium-ion batteries end up in landfills, where they leak toxic waste such as cobalt, nickel, and manganese. All of these toxins can contaminate underground or nearby water sources and their presence destroys entire ecosystems. Landfills have even reportedly caught fire due to the presence of an unstable lithium-ion battery.

This is another “too good to be true solution” endorsed only by the corporate and political Power Seekers. By now, the World should see this clearly, having been lied too so many times already.

Those in Power hailed nuclear energy as the best, cleanest, safest source of energy, etc. Now we have entire Mountain Ranges hollowed out and vast underground facilities under many sections of America that are housing deteriorating, leaking barrels of nuclear waste. Some go back decades, to the start of the Cold War. To make something so very toxic without knowing how to safely dispose of it is madness, the act of an idiot.

Those in Power in Industry sold us on the convenience of plastic, yet never told us that they don't know how to get rid of it, that it was a forever chemical that would threaten the ecosystems of Earth itself. Now plastic litters the Earth, chokes its waterways, and kills its creatures. Not a single raindrop that falls upon Earth is free of micro-plastics, that time has passed. No body of land or water is not effected negatively, not even uninhabited Antarctica.

Our response to this unforgivable irresponsibility? To make and buy more plastic. This is not the way to make things better.

We must, as we have illustrated, stop listening to lies, stop embracing half-truths that were NEVER MEANT to solve the emissions problem. Lie’s like the “electric car” myth we discussed. This disinformation is a meaningless distraction to keep the Power Seekers in control of the grid, which is unnecessary but provides a multibillion dollar a year industry for them. The Power Seeking Corporations and Politicians both benefit from massive service and tax revenues and the two have become almost inseparable.

The answers are simple and at hand. Universal Divinity is going to be involved and at the forefront of spreading true solutions across the globe. This began even before we started as a Ministry.

Ten years ago, we were close friends with a young and talented engineering student who shared our passion for eliminating fossil fuels. His name was Joe. We began the process of studying the work of Stanley Meyer, a pioneer in the movement toward a hydrogenated fuel source relying almost completely on water. We had many ideas and Joe saw some innovative solutions to some Meyer problems. Life interrupted our endeavor, as it often does, when our friend graduated and moved away to take a top position at a major Michigan auto manufacturer: The irony is thick.

Then, in March 2014, the Quant e-Sportlimousine was unveiled at the Geneva Motor Show, a salt-water powered sports car with NanoFlowcell technology. It seemed the dream was a reality.

It was a Euphoric moment, learning that one of the most difficult barriers to eliminating the need for fossil fuels had been broken. We now have proof that hydrogenated water can power a battery and a vehicle. Our euphoria was short lived. As we did more research, we were hit with the realization that the featured car was going to cost around $1.5 million and was pitched more as a toy for the wealthy than as a cure for one of Earth's greatest ills. This is technology that needs to be studied and recreated in a manner which makes it affordable to everyone on the suffering Earth. It needs to be praised, promoted, and made a priority. Here is where so-called “leaders” or “governments” should be launching initiatives and creating programs to ensure this technology is used correctly. It speaks volumes that after so much time, they are NOT. This technology was created through Divine Inspiration and is a gift that belongs to ALL of us. It belongs to the Earth.

That is why Universal Divinity has already re-established contact with Joe, and other scientists, to discuss the Research and Development of affordable water-powered cars. We have also made progress in the areas of furthering the work of Nikola Tesla and plan on having a fossil free energy source large enough to give power to a village with no use of fossil fuels whatsoever. We say this openly and publicly, encouraging both partnerships and competition, because it is not a secret project meant to make us wealthy or Powerful, as it generally has been, and yet remains. Wealth and Power are two things that attract evil in abundance. That is not our Path.

Rather, we are abiding by our own Doctrine, letting our own Divinity rise up and guide us to our own answers. When we find those answers, we will openly share them. Universal Divinity would like nothing more than to see every single emission creating “electric company” in the World go bankrupt overnight. For far too long they have charged us for electricity that was always meant to be provided without cost. When Thomas Edison and JP Morgan won the electricity war, it was the World that lost. Had Westinghouse stayed firmly committed to Tesla, our state would be far less environmentally dire.

But Westinghouse did not continue to support Tesla because there was no way to measure how much energy each household used and therefore, no way to be able to charge a fee. It was not really an “electricity war” since anyone knowledgeable on the subject recognizes that Tesla was truly a glowing Spark of Divinity, an unparalleled creative genius. Edison merely exploited the work of others and was a skilled self-promoter, a man of such low moral character as to be willing to murder a number of animals, including an elephant, by intentionally misusing AC current and then falsely claiming to have shown how dangerous AC current is. In reality, he only showed that within him dwelt a lying, greedy, self-serving monster.

In truth, AC current is less dangerous than DC current.

Edison knew it. Morgan knew it. The government knew it. All of them stood to gain untold Power and Wealth that still punishes, divides and oppresses the Earth to this day. They were truly the men who sold the World.

Universal Divinity has a grasp of the technology and, as we stated earlier, the answers and solutions we have sought are close at hand. Supporting our R & D efforts is the most important thing you might ever do for Earth, because we will not fail. Universal Divinity is its own entity, beholden to no other entity, hiding no secret agendas, and we do not seek permission to help develop the means by which to save our planet. We only seek your support.

To believe in Universal Divinity is the same as believing in yourself. We are all United in the Universe and connected through the Spark of Divinity that drives us to Create and to Cure. Be a part of the True solution. Help us Create Sustainable Sustainability. Show our leaders we are perfectly capable of solving our own problems. The money governments collect in taxes only to accomplish nothing might be better used as a write off to a charitable organization that IS making progress!

African Outreach

Often, the most important endeavors must reveal themselves, upending plans that are in place and compelling a wholehearted and immediate response. Universal Divinity’s African Outreach Initiative is just such an endeavor.

Universal Divinity would like to acknowledge and welcome two new friends and partners. Together we form an Unbreakable Alliance for the good of Africa and her citizens.

First, we recognize Kebba Omar Jobe, Environmental Activist, Farmer, Author, and a driving force behind his Women and Youth Empowerment Organization in The Gambia. Kebba has offered his expertise, assistance, and involvement in worthy projects across Africa and Universal Divinity considers him a valued friend and a trusted ally. His knowledge of Africa and the needs of the people will be our guide.

Next, we recognize Eric Ssewakiryanga, CEO of Dream and Hope Achievers Family, a Community Based Organization in Wakiso, Central Region, Uganda. Eric has taken responsibility for feeding, housing, and educating twenty orphaned children and needs funding to keep his doors open.

Universal Divinity reached out to Kebba to discuss Eric’s situation and find a solution. Having been instrumental in establishing the Women and Youth Empowerment Organization, he provided expert knowledge on how best we can help Eric and the children. The end result of our discussions were that Eric should be helped to farm the land, producing enough organically grown food to feed his people, to raise funds for supplies, and to fund the school. Since Kebba has already built a very similar farm in The Gambia, he will be taking the lead and providing Eric with valuable guidance and support. Universal Divinity will also stand ready to send resources and to go where we are needed.

We will be accepting your tax deductible donation in a matter of days. 100% of your donation goes to the African Outreach Initiative and will be used to fund Eric and Hope and Dream Achievers Family.

Universal Divinity will continue to search for such excellent and experienced partners as Kebba and those who are in need, such as Eric. The Ministry will expand to serve the needs of any hungry child or at risk individual in any part of Africa. This is only where we start.

With your help we can eradicate hunger in the region and guarantee food, safety, and education to a group of children who have experienced enough sorrow.

“Only he who has no use for the empire is fit to be entrusted with it.”
