Universal Divinity Doctrine
Universal Divinity™ is founded upon simple, non-denominational principles that are reflected in our Universal Divinity Doctrine, which we will summarize here, in brief.
As people of intellect and science, we accept the fact that Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, that it can only change form. It is Eternal and omnipresent throughout the Universe and across all Planes of Reality. Energy is equivalent to Force and is often referred to as such in Universal Divinity writings or discussions. Energy, or Force, is Active, a trait associated with the Spiritual Divine Masculine.
As we all know from eighth grade science, Energy is the ability to do work. But being bodiless, how does Energy, or Force, manage to do work? The simple and most honest answer is that Energy has the innate ability to do work by acting upon and through Matter, or Form. Form is Passive and associated with the Spiritual Divine Feminine. Without Force to permeate and give Life to Form, there could be no Material Plane, no physical Life, no Consciousness or Purpose. All of these aspects are necessary to existence—the Form and Force, the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, the Active and the Passive, ad infinitum.
Matter (Form), having density and taking up space, is the equal opposite of Energy(Force). Equal Opposites are what bring Balance and Order to Creation because between opposites exists a Middle Path of Mildness. It is this Middle Path of Mildness that is most fertile for Spiritual Growth and the one with the fewest traps and perils for the Spiritual Aspirant. This is true in all Systems.
All Form is imbued with the same Force that gives humankind Life and Consciousness, and therefore it is Sacred and Holy and should be left unmolested. This includes our imperiled Earth, which is a Conscious, Living thing. We should engage in no forms of activity which harm the Earth, which is our Physical and Spiritual Foundation. Rather, it is our duty to protect and preserve Earth, just as it is any son or daughter’s duty to protect and nurture a life-giving Mother. Earth is a powerful example of the Archetypal Mother when the collective unconscious of humankind is healthy. We should be mindful of the fact that we take much from Earth and return little, that we turn beautiful lands and seas alike into mountains of garbage that we don’t know how to dispose of. We do not treat Earth with Reverence and Respect, but instead we are profane.
The most evolved type of Form is the human body. We are largely made up of a series of pumps and filters which maintain the health of the Form and a complex electrical grid that exists for the sole purpose of allowing Force to enter and animate the Form, melding the two and creating a single physical manifestation of Divine Energy.
Let me say that again and more clearly: A Human Being is a Physical Manifestation of Divine Energy.
Of all the types and classes of Form that exist, infinitely diverse and too expansive to catalogue here, humans are the only creature capable of Consciousness. It is our Consciousness- and, on a much greater scale, the collective unconscious or zeitgeist of the inhabitants of Earth- that tips the Scales of Universal Balance, determining whether we lean toward the Left Hand Path and the Severity it brings or toward the Right Hand Path, which is rife with the pitfalls of unbalanced Mercy. Neither is desirable and each results in Chaos abiding where there ought to be Balance and Order. Force that is Balanced and Ordered is only emanated by a person who is not severe to the point of cruelty and not merciful to the point of weakness. Wisdom lies between those two extremes, and in observing these titanic equal opposites, we see that each is the purest example of both the best and of the worst that can be found in humankind.
When I say these equal yet opposing Forces are titanic, I mean that in the most literal way and contend that this is True without exception. To understand, we will use a common method and I will ask you to visualize Three Pillars, a Black Pillar on the Left, a White Pillar on the Right, and a Grey Pillar standing slightly taller between the two. The Black Pillar represents the Negative use of Force and can be used as a powerful tool in traversing the Left-Hand Path, should that be your inclination, though I must warn you that the Black Path is built of tears and lost innocence and is rarely fruitful or forgiving. The White Pillar is a bastion of Positive Energy and home to The Light. It is a place of learning and evolution with fewer overt dangers than those which thrive on the Path of the Black Pillar, which is a Dark temptation and a trap for the unwary, the unintentional abandonment of Will which leads to the death of Free Will, and the extinguishing of the Divine Spark. One does not need to find a Castle of Light in which to carelessly dwell, for this does not ignite the Spark of Divinity™ which lies dormant within each of us. To ignite that Spark, one needs to learn to become powerful enough to drag the Light into the Darkness and to illuminate the Truth for those who have been tricked and trapped in webs of lies and deceit.
Universal Divinity is devoted to dragging the Light into the Darkness, to Living Intentionally with the Knowledge that we are of the Divine, and to have the Wisdom to never relinquish our precious Free Will, our greatest gift. We want to awaken others to their own Divinity, to introduce them to all of the terrible burdens and glorious blessings that come with walking the Path of Universal Divinity and see how quickly the Spark within them ignites.
For many years, the Energy of the Black Pillar has been growing stronger as the White Pillar dims. This is reflected clearly by the conditions on Earth, and even across many of the Astral Planes. We are in ruin economically; facing almost certain war with the East; depleting Earth’s resources and endangering its very existence through our thoughtless, greedy actions; feeding the Darkness with the Negativity that rises from this chaos, and Evil spreads faster than any pandemic and has caused us greater destruction.
One cannot battle the evils we can see in the world from the couch. Not even sitting in a pew listening to a fiery sermon emanating from a fancy pulpit will result in any ACTUAL good work or change for the better. It might make YOU feel better, but that’s all…and it’s delusional. Real change doesn’t happen because you get all dressed up on Sunday, it happens when you put on your work boots and go help your neighbors. It happens when you donate to a cause that will ease the suffering of others or help them live a better life. It happens when you respond to a disaster, often risking your own safety to ensure the safety of others.
And once it happens, you will know the Secret of Universal Divinity. You will be shown how all things are connected and the The Divine is, indeed, everywhere.
Time grows dark and short. It is time to hear this message of Truth and to Ignite your Spark of Divinity™!

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
-Nikola Tesla