Universal Divinity Mission
Universal Divinity™ is devoted to performing works of a tangible nature. We are not bogged down in Dogma and divisive language but are instead devoted to clear and obtainable goals that all reasonable people can agree are important. Some of them are listed here.
We perform all of the Spiritual Rituals and Ceremonies that can be so important to living a meaningful and purposeful life. We will be here if you decide you want to take a husband or wife, ready to provide an eager couple with the pre-marriage counseling that will create a solid foundation for your union. We will be happy to perform the ceremony that YOU desire, be it a traditional wedding, a handfasting, or something entirely unique, it is your day. We will stay with you to serve your Spiritual needs through every stage of your life, continuing to support and nourish the wellbeing of your souls. We will Cleanse and Bless your new home. We will Baptize, Bless, Name and Christen your children, welcoming them as Divine Miracles into our Universe and into our fold. And when the time finally comes to return to the Earth and give back the Spark of Divinity™ we were lent, we will be there then, too. Familiar faces who knew and counselled you, served your family, and bore witness to your life. So continues the Divine cycle of death and rebirth.
In addition to these Ministerial services, Universal Divinity also believes strongly in the necessity of charitable and compassionate outreach projects and programs as well as Earth-friendly Scientific R&D. We are prepared to assist with disaster relief and rescue efforts in the event of a natural or man-made disaster. We are forming partnerships that will allow us to help some of the poorest and most forgotten people anywhere in the United States and, eventually, the World. We intend to be active and visible, letting our achievements speak for the necessity of our existence and growth.
We place no limit on the amount of good we can and will do for the World we all share.

Mission Statement
Universal Divinity Ministry™ is a non-denominational organization which recognizes the Truth that all Life contains within it a Spark of the Divine™. We believe that Free Will is the expression of Divinity acting through us and we embrace all Paths and Religions which lead to Enlightenment and Spiritual Evolution.
Universal Divinity exists to help every human being recognize their own Divinity as well as the Divine Nature of the World in which they live: to encourage them to take control of their own Evolution and accept responsibility for the well-being of Earth; to express Free Will; and to challenge any entity which seeks power over individuals through threat of consequence or retaliation. There is no law higher than Divine Law. We exist to Ignite Your Spark of Divinity™ and to set you free.
Universal Divinity Services
Ceremonies, Rites, and Rituals
Universal Divinity is well equipped and prepared to perform all of the cornerstone rites, rituals, and ceremonies associated with religious or philosophical bodies of worship.
Universal Divinity is devoted to your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. We therefore provide high quality counseling services that can be an invaluable guide through life. In good times or bad, Universal Divinity will help you find your way.
Universal Divinity recognizes the Divinity of each individual and holds that no authority is higher than that of Divine Authority. Being imbued with the Spark of the Divine, you are able to act according to your own Free Will and belief system. After a brief consultation with a Universal Divinity minister, verifying the veracity of your request, vaccination or other exemption letters are routinely granted and rarely denied.
Public Appearances & Speaking
Universal Divinity ministers present open dialogue seminars on topics of Divinity, the Spark of the Divine™, Universality, Conservation & Sustainability, and more. We will help with fundraising events and are eager to create partnerships while sharing knowledge and expertise. All of our speakers are scholars with prior public relations or speaking experience.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
-Albert Einstein