Universal Divinity Counseling
Pre-Marriage Counseling
Getting married is one of the most important events that will occur in your life. We can help ensure that the marriage is built on a solid foundation, one meant to last a lifetime.
Marriage Counseling
We believe that counselling can greatly strengthen any marriage. Whether you are experiencing marital problems or simply want to work on issues like good communication, your shared ambitions and goals, etc., we can help to keep the marriage progressing in a positive direction.
Spiritual Counseling
We deal compassionately and empathetically with all things of a Spiritual Nature. If your big questions remain unanswered or if your soul is in crisis, then Universal Divinity is here to guide you to Spiritual attainment and evolution.
Parental Counseling
Our children are our future and the future of the Planet Earth. It is important to nurture their needs during each stage of development so that they grow into productive, well adjusted adults. All parents face uncertainty, have doubts or may simply want a professional opinion. Universal Divinity™ can help you fan the Spark of the Divine™ within the child, starting them down a lifelong path toward enlightenment.
Teen Counseling
It has never been more difficult to be a young person. No other generation has been exposed to so much traumatizing information from around the globe. They see the intolerance and ignorance, the war, disease and death. If you think they’re “ok”, that they don’t need someone to talk to…
You’re wrong.
Military Veteran Counseling
To all of the Veterans who Proudly wore the uniform, served their country and made it home, Universal Divinity offers free counseling and support.
Similarly, if you were negatively effected by the loss of a military loved one and are having difficulty, please contact us. You are NOT alone.
Grief Counseling
There are few things as devastating to one’s soul as the loss of someone you love. It can feel as if a part of yourself died as well. Let us share your burden, share your grief, and help you to heal. Your pain is all of our pain.
Pre-Marriage Counseling
Before making one of the most important and consequential decisions of your life, it is worth taking the time to be sure that you are making the right one.
Marriage should be a bonding of souls. It is the sharing of hopes and dreams which are built around the two of you spending your lives together. Marriage requires that you love and support each other through all of the scenarios Life will create for the two of you.
Pre-Marriage counseling is intended to explore the motivation behind your desire to be married. We will take a realistic look at your compatibility. We will make sure that you compliment and enhance each other and uncover and resolve any conflict which might later arise to harm the marriage.
To build a successful marriage, first you have to know what it is that you expect from marriage. Do your expectations coincide with those of your partner? Do you share friends? Interests? Do you have enough in common to keep the conversation fresh, lively, and going for a lifetime?
Universal Divinity can address the issues that are most responsible for harming a potentially good marriage. We want to show you where the traps and pitfalls lay and how to avoid them BEFORE they can become a marital problem.
Marriage Counseling
A Marriage is a living, breathing entity with an existence and needs entirely of its own. It is an Archetype of great power that is deeply rooted in the histories, religions, and collective unconscious of the human race. Having said that, it stands to reason that it can be a complex web of emotions and desires that ought to occasionally be called forth into the light to be examined.
We want your marriage to be your greatest joy, and we are here to help you keep it that way. If you are experiencing marital problems, let us help you identify the issues causing them and, together, we can resolve them in a fair and dignified manner. Communication is key.
Spiritual Counseling
The Spiritual Path is beset on all sides by peril and the more adept the student, the greater the threat.
A person who stumbles blindly through this world, unaware of the unseen worlds surrounding us or of their own inherent Divinity, is as a dim candle to the Servants of the Left-Hand Path. The neophyte who senses the unseen and seeks to understand it through practice and meditation shines like a beacon, drawing dangerous attention from Negative people and entities.
If you are going to travel a Spiritual Path, it is important that you do so safely and with the guidance of a serious practitioner, an Adept. We can teach you to protect yourself, on this Plane or any other. We can teach you to Charge your personal Energies and to Cleanse and Purify those Energies. Mastering meditation is a crucial and often difficult hurtle, but our methods are of the Highest Order.
Be aware that there are parasitic entities who will feed from your energy if they are not regularly Banished. Other entities may also attempt to forge an Astral bond with you, thereby accessing to some degree the Physical Realm. These entities range from a mild annoyance to a serious problem involving Holy Water and Incantations. A little Spiritual Counseling will allow us to avoid that!
Parental Counseling
Being a good parent may be the most difficult and thankless job on the planet! It is a 24 hour a day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year job, without sick days or vacation. Moreover, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all manual that guarantees you’ll think of everything or be able to handle every situation on your own.
Being a good parent is stressful and exhausting, but it is the most rewarding thing you will ever accomplish. Universal Divinity is here to help you to build bonds of love and trust with your child or children. We will help you to be a parent they will respect and, in turn, they will learn to respect others. We will help you to navigate the distressing social issues that have pervaded our society and our schools, helping you to prepare for the discussions that are so important to your family.
You are the Parent and your voice is the voice that should matter the most to your children. It is your duty to feed them, clothe them, and provide for them, but it is also your duty to properly educate them: Intellectually, Spiritually, and Morally. That duty may include protecting them from the many immoral and untrue doctrines being pushed by most governmentally sanctioned and funded learning institutions. Such confusing propaganda is extremely damaging to children and you are their only source for the Truth.
Realize your Divine nature and ignite the Spark of Divinity™ within your child, we are ready to show you the way.
Teen Counseling
Teens are constantly bombarded by an endless stream of terrifying facts. There is no respite from it because there is little peace left on Earth and the end could, indeed, be nigh. Even as I write these words, brave Ukrainians fight for their lives and sovereignty; China’s aggression and military might grows and looms as they threaten Taiwan’s sovereignty; a man-made virus which was designed to shift and mutate covers the globe; politicians neglect the duties they swore to perform in order to perpetuate a divisive and dangerous narrative; Climate Change is disrupting life and ecosystems globally without any meaningful response from those claiming to “lead” us; violence is at an all time high, as is poverty; schools have become indoctrination centers where children are forced to adopt school approved moral and ethical propaganda or face reprisal; sexism and racism are rampant.
These are the realities we face and facing them requires perspective. One can remain informed without becoming overwhelmed. It is a difficult proposition for most adults, but for children it can be traumatizing. It can interrupt normal stages of development and socialization. It can cause a child to withdraw, to act out, to sink into depression or even suicidal thoughts.
Universal Divinity offers teens a reason to be hopeful. We teach them that it is possible to change things for the better. Our goal is to ignite that Spark of Divinity™ and to awaken their Free Will. There are no bad children, just bad choices.
Military Veteran Counseling
Regardless of the Branch in which you served or the part you played, Universal Divinity Honors every Veteran. We know that as a Veteran you have seen things that most people never will and learned many hard lessons that will always shape your worldview. Being a soldier requires wearing many hats and, sometimes, not all of them fit. The constant stress and fatigue can leave a mark. The loss of life is often a heavy burden.
You rose to defend us and protect us from harm and we will just as diligently rise to your aid. If you are a Veteran and you need to talk, our counselors are available at no cost to you.
We are also here to offer counsel and support to those who have suffered the loss of a Military loved one. It is difficult to process such a loss without closure and we can help you find that closure and Honor those we’ve lost by Living Intentionally for them every single day.
Grief Counseling
Loss is something no one wants to experience, but eventually, we all do. It is never fair, never easy, and it leads us to ask questions that we may not often consider.
Universal Divinity teaches that death is of a transient nature, that the energy which animates us, what many would correctly call the soul, exits the physical form to rejoin the Universal Energy from whence it came. Our physical form returns to nurture the Earth, which has nurtured us.
The process is repetitive, as most religions and philosophies agree. The energy that comprises each of us can be reborn in many forms and fashions, always adding to the Evolution of the Universe. This energy also travels beyond the borders of our own Plane and to what people have called the Heavens, Astral Planes, etc. There it can experience other types of existence and reality, learning and evolving as the Universe continues to expand.
Ours is an explanation that is born of Truth and based in Science (Energy is eternal and can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only change Form). Ours is a truth which is compassionate and offers the evidence that our loved ones aren’t truly gone at all, only absent for a time.

“Man know thyself.”