Ceremonies, Rites, & Rituals
Weddings & Handfastings
Universal Divinity™ is always happy to perform a wedding ceremony. A professional wedding officiant will work with you to prepare a personalized experience that reflects your desires and beliefs.
Home Blessings & Cleansings
Just as we are influenced by the Energy around us, objects are also influenced by the Energy acting upon them. If this Energy is Negative or Malign, it can leave behind a Negative or Malignant presence. This negativity can be Cleansed and the space Blessed so that new and vital living Energy can fill the space with a soothing Aura of Mildness.
Baptism is a largely Christian tradition, yet it has existed, and can be made to exist, in many forms. The washing away of any Negativity or idea of Sin from the newborn is as ancient as a Mother’s Love. Baptism, done correctly, is a Powerful Protection against the Dark.
Christening & Naming Ceremonies
Names are Divine and hold great Meaning and Power. During the Sacred Rite of Christening, the Officiating Minister will Invoke the Divine Energy and Call the child by Name so that all Spirits will Know and Recognize the Spark of Divinity™ growing within.
Funerals & Celebrations of Life
For each of us, there will come a time when our days on Earth have reached an end. It is then that we must return the Spark of Divinity that we were lent to the Divine Source from whence it came. For many, it is a time of Sorrow. For some, it is a time for Celebration, simply the end of a chapter and the beginning of a new verse. In whatever way you view the loss of a loved one, Universal Divinity will Counsel you, Console you, Pray for you, and Listen to you. Together, we will perform the funerary rites best for you and for your love one.
Paranormal Investigations & Exorcisms
Most times, Blessing and Cleansing a home is sufficient to rid the domicile of Negative Energy. Sometimes, however, strong Negative Impressions or Entities can plague a dwelling requiring firmer and more direct action. We will identify and confront Evil whenever Evil crosses the line and enters this Holy realm of Earth to vex humankind. If it is a battle with Evil that you are engaged in, we can help.
Weddings & Handfastings
Universal Divinity always encourages at least one session of pre-marriage counseling prior to the ceremony, however, our only real requirement is that we meet our obligations to the state.
Be sure that you are aware of the state regulations for legally recognized weddings. Universal Divinity wedding officiants can help you obtain your license and meet these requirements if you so desire.
While paperwork is an important step, it is only a small part of what should be a beautiful experience. Our Ministers are prepared to work with you to create whatever union you envision. Whether you want a traditional Christian wedding, a Wiccan handfasting, or something that reflects your own personal view of Divinity, we have knowledgeable, experienced Ministers, Priests, or Priestesses standing by to make your vision a reality.
Home Blessings & Cleansings
If we are to consider Good and Evil we must speak of Positivity and Negativity, understanding that Polarity is the difference between the two. Too much Negative Energy in one place for too long will inevitably manifest Negativity. It is, in every sense of the word, a Curse.
Fortunately, Light banishes Shadow when it creeps too boldly forward, and returns things to a state of Harmony and Balance, breaking the Curse and bestowing the Blessing.
Usually, this is a minor ritual which requires little time, effort, or preparation on your part, but you will feel the difference immediately. The air will seem lighter, problems less daunting, and each day will be more invigorating as the Light grows within you and your new home.
Christening &
Naming Ceremonies
There are two types of Sacred Naming.
The first, Christening, is a decidedly Christian Ritual, often performed in conjunction with a Christian Baptism.
The second is a Naming Ceremony, which can have Pagan overtones or be absolutely non-denominational. The results will be the same and The Divine will gaze upon your miracle and see a Reflection of Itself.
Either of these Ancient and Sacred Ceremonies will cause the Spark of Divinity residing within the child to Awaken. Because there is Power in a True Name, this Ritual Affirmation draws the child toward the Divine even as the Divine is drawn into the child.
It is common for these ceremonies to take place early in life, but it is NEVER too late. If you are experiencing negativity or believe you’re a victim of “bad luck”, you may simply need Baptized, Christened, or Cleansed and Named aloud before the Universal Intelligence. The difference such Ceremonies can make in ridding oneself of enduring Negative Attacks should not be underestimated. It can be life-changing, the lifting of a weight from your shoulders. It is simply Enlightening and Profound.
Baptism is a ritual of cleansing which involves the use of Consecrated Water to symbolize a clean start, a new beginning, and a new Path of Divinity. While it has been most closely associated with various Christian sects, many religions have their own similar traditions all of which also require the use of Consecrated Water and bring about new beginnings.
Universal Divinity performs two types of Baptism:
Immersion Baptism is the full submersion of the Neophyte into the Consecrated Water.
Affusion Baptism involves the sprinkling or gentle pouring of the Consecrated Water onto the head of the Neophyte. It is commonly performed on the very young or the very old, as well as those with disabilities who seek to be Baptized.
As always, Universal Divinity will work with you to design the Ritual of Baptism which provides the Protections and Blessings that you desire for yourself or your loved one.
Funerals &
Celebrations of Life
The passing of a Loved One is an extremely emotional time and without the proper support and some professional guidance, it can quickly become overwhelming.
Universal Divinity is a compassionate organization. We want to know how you are feeling about things, to understand your loss and your vision of the funerary process so that we can make that vision real. We want to be included in every conceivable aspect of the experience, always supporting you. We emphasize the importance of allowing you to grieve in a natural, healthy way, and, therefore, we offer Grief Counseling.
Our Ministers will Listen to you, even helping to write your own unique obituary or memoir. We will be certain that we understand your requests and respect your wishes, officiating over any services and performing the Sacred Rites that will allow your loved one to pass unhindered from this Plane and be welcomed to the next. Your family will be our only concern in this time of great need.
This is our Oath to you.
Paranormal Investigations & Exorcisms
If you have had your home Blessed and Cleansed, yet still feel enveloped by negativity, malaise, or depression, it is likely that there is a lingering Negative Energy or Entity that is simply too powerful to be banished by Elemental Magic (use of sage, Holy Water, or minor readings from Holy books). In these cases, one must call directly upon Archetypes whose Divine Names hold the Power and Authority to banish Darkness. It is upon their Power that Universal Divinity Ministers draw to gain the Energy and Authority necessary to banish Evil.
The Darkness can creep into inanimate objects, linger in dwellings, even invade the mortal body, resulting in what is commonly referred to as possession. Divine Law clearly recognizes the existence of Equal Opposites and it is upon this principle which Universal Divinity exorcisms are built.
Names of Archangels, Gods, and Protective Spirits of Nature will be called upon by our knowledgeable and well trained paranormal investigations team and used to banish Darkness and Unclean Spirits.
Our work is guaranteed.

“As above, so below.”
-Hermes Trismegistus