Universal Divinity Paths
Human beings have sought Paths to Divinity since there were humans. Archeological evidence shows that the first humans, before achieving a language or the skill to farm, were already practicing rituals. What, aside from their Primal sense of the Spark of Divinity™ within them could have moved them to evolve in such a specific and obviously important way? The term is Primal Faith, the remnants of which can be found scattered throughout the doctrines of all of the Elder Religions of Earth, such as Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Judaism, and the Druidic traditions, to name a few.
While Hinduism is often accredited with being the oldest of the Living Religions, it is vital that we understand that Hinduism was not the beginning, nor humanities first attempt to understand and Ignite the Spark of Divinity™. Our distant ancestors wrote the words that later became the foundation for a variety of Hindu texts and teachings, the Jewish Qabalah, Talmud and Torah, and later, the Christian Bible. These Verses to which I refer were written on stone tablets by the Sumerians in 3500 BC and they contain the first written reference to religion in the world. The text is called Enuma Elish.
The text speaks of a God Named Enlil, the Creator. Enlil is said to be responsible for Creating the Heavens and Earth. Having done so, he wished to see Life on Earth, his Creation, and he bade the God Enki to Create Life, which Enki did in the image of the Gods. The images were encased in clay and Enlil’s blood gave the lifeless Form both Life and Consciousness, imbuing it with Force and a tiny Spark of Divinity.
For a time Enlil was pleased with the humans he had brought into being, but it was not long before he decided that people were too noisy, invasive, and much too fertile for his liking. He decided to destroy humanity, unleashing a devastating drought, pestilence, and famine. It was only because Enki secretly instructed the dying humans that any of them were able to survive. When Enlil discovered that humans yet lived, he sent a flood to cover the world and put a final end to the Life he had Created.
Again, Enki came to humanity’s aid, instructing the Sage Ziusudra (Atrahasis) to build an arc and to place upon it two of each kind of animal. In this way, Humanity once again survived. Enlil was again angered and managed to uncover Enki’s complicity in saving the condemned people’s lives. He wished to strike them down and punish Enki, but many Lesser Gods were sympathetic to humankind and were openly pleased that Enki had intervened and managed to save some of the helpless people. Emboldened, Enki intervened further, suggesting to Enlil that the creatures he had Created would be less troublesome if they lived shorter lifespans, were subject to disease and daily hardship, and were less prolific in their breeding habits. In an effort to keep harmony, Enlil agreed, pronouncing that he is the Creator and Enki was given the title of Father of Men and Women.
This history is corroborated in many places and texts, the most famous of which is probably The Epic of Gilgamesh, which also appears in The Tales of Gilgamesh (circa 2150 BCE). Gilgamesh, a Mesopotamian King of Uruk, is a well-documented religious and historical figure who appears throughout the teaching of each of the Elder Religions. Further, The Book of Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes are known as “Ketuvim” and referred to as Wisdom Literature. This clearly illustrates a common cultural reflection whose origin is found in the texts of Sumer and Babylon as well as Mesopotamia and Middle Egypt.
One cannot help but note the striking similarity between the very first recorded religion and those religions which are still practiced today. Each of them is considered a Sacred Path to Universal Divinity™ and each, in some fashion, promises to Ignite the Spark of Divinity that has been waiting for us to acknowledge It since before our ancestors walked upright.
We have established the fact that most Religions had a common Primal origin and that the details may have changed as humanity changed, but the Lessons are very much the same. Most are guides to enlightenment, to attainment of Heavenly Glory, to a Meaningful Life.
We will briefly examine the Elder Religions, as well as a few of the many branches of Religion and Philosophy which grew from this Tree of Wisdom. May you find each Path Enlightening.
Paths to Enlightenment
The Hindu Religion is, in reality, a vast body of similar faith-based practices that arose on the Indian Subcontinent. In many ways, it provides an excellent example of a well-developed and evolved Primal Indigenous Religion.
While embracing the possibility of there being One Almighty God, they view the Deity as regularly appearing in other forms. The most popular and powerful manifestations are:
Brahman, The Creator
Shiva, The Destroyer
Vishnu, The Preserver of All
In addition to these, The Almighty One can take on 330 million forms, each performing its own duty.
Hinduism accepts that the Universe is sentient and that it assigns a purpose or a duty to every creature. The goal of the creature is to discover what that purpose or duty is, and this is called Dharma. Dharma is always different for every creature, and it changes with each reincarnation, or Samsara.
By Universal Design, your adherence to your Dharma is judged and thus is your Karma determined. Unlike Dharma, Karma does not reset upon Samsara, but is eternally assigned to the creature.
Only Vishnu loves humanity enough to want us to approach him and to offer us an escape from Samsara. Worshippers of Vishnu seek to attain Moksha, or Enlightenment, which will allow them to identify that all is Maya, or illusion, a realization that breaks the chain and forever unites the Adept with Vishnu.
Vishnu is known to appear on Earth when the Scales of Balance tilt too far toward the Darkness, battling Evil in human form until the Balance is restored. So far, Vishnu has returned as Rama in 7400 BCE (see The Ramayana), as Krishna in 3200 BCE (see The Mahabharata), and as Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, in 560 BCE.
Hinduism has been the source of many sacred and enlightened bodies of knowledge, texts, and Adepts. The Holy Books revered throughout the Hindu Religion are called the Vedas, which consists of Four Books: Rig Veda; Sama Veda; Yajur Veda; Atharva Veda.
In the original Sanskrit, “Veda” means “Knowledge”. The Vedas teach Hindus about the origin and purpose for existence. They illuminate the tenets of a righteous life. Within them are Chants, Hymns, and even Spells. The Vedas include right conduct of societal rites, such as correct performance of religious practices, including marriage, birth and death rites.
These texts are some of the World’s oldest surviving religious texts and are safe in India. The oldest written Veda is the Rig Veda, which was penned in approximately 1500 BC, though it can be traced as far back as 6000 BC.
In addition to the Vedas, Hindus often draw heavily from texts such as the Upanishads, the Puranas, and the Bhagavad Gita, to name a few. It is certainly a Reverent and Scholarly Religion which has elevated and expanded Global Consciousness.
Hinduism is a fertile and nurturing garden from which many Paths and Religions have grown and taken root. These include Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Jainism, to name a few.
At its core, Hinduism is about adherence to Dharma. Serving our true purpose is the only way to attain Peace and Harmony and Hinduism is built upon Peaceful, Harmonious existence.
Dharma is the Spark of Divinity™!!!
Judaism was founded by Abraham around 2000 BCE. Abraham was a nomad and part of a nomadic tribe called the Hebrews. It was this nomadic tribe that later became known as the Israelites.
The Torah pays great heed to the deeds and holiness of the descendants of Abraham, often crediting the piety of the line of Abraham for the favor that YHVH bestowed upon the Jewish peoples.
It was Noah, a direct descendant of Abraham who YHVH commanded to build the arc before the Deluge, allowing Abraham’s line to continue when all others were ended.
Another prominent descendant of Abraham was Noah’s son, Shem.
It was Abraham’s successor who was able to establish the Nation of Israel, without which Christ could not have fulfilled the prophecy and Christianity may not exist today.
Judaic religious authority is found in Jewish traditions and writings rather than a priesthood or ecumenical panel. The Judaic canon is closed but it is very much a Living religion with a wealth of Wisdom.
The Jewish Bible consists of three separate texts:
The Torah, or The Five Books of Moses
The Nevi’im, or The Prophets
The Ketuvim, or The Writings
This collection of writings has been meticulously and continuously studied, protected, and preserved for thousands of years. Today it is an impressive and scholarly body of work with Tomes of Spiritual noteworthiness.
In 200 AD, Jewish scholars committed to writing the Jewish Code of Law, which had previously been communicated orally, only. This compilation was known as the Mishnah.
The Talmud (400 AD), is an often read book which consists of commentaries written by leading Jewish Rabbis who have successfully interpreted the Torah.
The Essenes, an Order of Jewish Mysticism to which Jesus of Nazareth belonged, created the body of knowledge called Qabala. The Qabala reveals secret Esoteric practices and diagrams of such high order that they should be considered invaluable to any Spiritual aspirant, regardless of Faith.
The Zohar, or The Book of Splendor, enumerates and explains the Holy Sephiroth, which creates a diagram (or a map) of how YHVH and his Angelic Hosts Created the Heavens and Earth, where each rules and abides.
Another worthy Tome considered a vital part of understanding Jewish tradition and religion is the Haggadah. It recalls the Exodus from Egypt in vivid detail.
The core of Judaism is the belief that, through Abraham, the Jewish people became the Chosen of YHVH. So long as they keep their Covenant with Him, keeping His traditions and observances, obeying His Commandments and Laws, living daily according to His Will, they will continue to be blessed as a People. Praying daily and attending Synagogue regularly are of more consequence to the practitioner of Judaism than any self-serving desire for a Heavenly reward, as is found in other religious systems.
Judaism is a Complete Religious System which can Ignite your Spark of Divinity™. YHVH and YHSVH are Powerful, Ancient Archetypes!
Taoism & Daoism
Taoism and Daoism are synonymous. It is a complete and evolving Religious and Philosophical System that is entirely devoted to creating and maintaining Harmony between the Human World and the Natural World. Taoists have penetrated the Veil and understand that ALL of Creation is imbued with Living Energy.
Tao, in Chinese, means “Way”, and Taoism is literally a system which teaches the practitioner the best way to do everything. Taoism provides insight, instruction, and practices relative to ethics, cosmology, politics, the way to achieve both Spiritual and Material Contentedness, and more.
Founded around 550 BC by Lao Tzu, whose name means “Old Boy”, it is an Indigenous Religion native to China. Lao Tzu wrote Tao Te Ching, The Book of the Way and Its Virtue, as a guide to Right Living. It does not specify any belief or worship of a single God, but does speak broadly of the existence of intelligent Spiritual Beings being a hidden Force in Nature. While strongly emphasizing Right Action, Taoism refrains from prohibiting beliefs.
When an Aspirant commits to the Way, to following the Tao, all things should be considered and all decisions made according to Taoist Philosophy. In large part, this Philosophy is dependent upon the Three Taoist Pillars:
Lao Tzu said that these Three Principles are humankind’s greatest Treasure, explaining that through simplicity of both action and thought, one can return to the Natural Source of Being.
What is important to the Taoist is that the choices they make are the most Wholesome, the most Natural, and the most Beneficial. A Taoist has no pre-conceived notions, reacting to each situation without the desire to control it, only the need to experience it. As Chapter 2 of the Tao Te Ching states, “The sage acts by doing nothing”.
The Taoist Spiritual tradition contains an emphasis on Ancestor Veneration. The practice is thought to elicit Divine Intervention and will help one to follow the Tao faithfully, granting insights even more profound than the study of the Tao Te Ching alone can bring.
Of perhaps the greatest Spiritual importance to the Taoist is their Understanding of and ability to manipulate Qi, sometimes “Chi”. Qi can mean either breath or energy, but in this context it is most often interpreted, “Vital Energy” or “Vital Force”. Occasionally one sees it defined as “Material Energy”.
Qi is an all-pervasive Force (or Energy) that is present in ALL things, joining us and binding us to Nature. For example, a rock is known to contain Qi, but having no other Nature than its own “rock-ness” to confuse it, the rock is in perfect Harmony and exists only to be a rock.
Qi is also present in the Taijitu, more commonly referred to as the Yin-Yang, the symbol of Taoism. Its perfectly Balanced shape reminds us of the sacredness of Qi and boldly represents the grave importance of the existence of Opposites existing in complete Harmony. The Taijitu is viewed by Taoists as a “Diagram of the Supreme Ultimate”.
Qi is used for healing and is the foundation of Tai Chi and the Martial Tai Chi Chuan. Knowledge of Qi and its movement led to Feng Shui. Acupuncture was developed as a way to regulate the flow of Qi. More than mysticism, Qi is a visible, tangible part of Taoist daily life.
Taoism has no organized institution or regulatory authority and assimilates easily into most cultures. It has an open Canon and will continue to evolve with each generation.
Taoism reveals Truth of the Purest kind: That Harmony is caused by Opposites and that Opposites generate Qi; the existence of the marriage between Form and Force; Our oneness with Nature and Earth-The Universe. It is a Path that can ignite a BLAZING Spark of Divinity™!
A Universally inclusive System of Enlightenment, One is required to do nothing more than to embrace the Four Noble Truths to be Buddhist. These are the ineffable Truths upon which the Buddhist Religion rests and are at the core of all Buddhist practices.
The Four Noble Truths are as follows:
1. Suffering exists.
2. Suffering has a cause, namely, desire.
3. Desire is the only cause of suffering.
4. There is a way to end desire.
The realization of the Fourth Noble Truth, that “there is a way to end desire”, is what defines the Buddhist Path and, thus, it is called “the Eightfold Path”.
In order to attain Knowledge and Wisdom leading to Understanding of the Fourth Noble Truth, the aspirant attempts to ascend the Eightfold Path, a series of challenges and lessons that build the skills a Buddhist must attain. The Path consists of the following, each of which should be mastered in the order given.
1. Right views.
2. Right intention.
3. Right speech.
4. Right conduct.
5. Right livelihood.
6. Right strivings.
7. Right mindset.
8. Right concentration.
“Buddha” is a Sanskrit word which means Enlightened as well as a title for anyone who has achieved Enlightenment.
The Buddhist system was founded around 560 BC in Northern India. Its author was born a Prince, and, as such, had known naught but a life of opulence and indulgence, blissfully ignorant of the True Nature of the World beyond the palace walls.
When finally he did set foot outside, the illusion that had been his life was shattered and what he beheld terrified him and made him critical of the human condition. He saw only sorrow everywhere, learned of old age and death, of hunger and hopelessness and the ravages of life and time.
Finally, Prince Siddhartha Gautama (who the Hindus consider the Third Incarnation of Vishnu, Preserver of All) met a monk who satisfied. Siddhartha renounced his royal life and dedicated himself to the end of suffering.
He did, indeed Master himself, achieving Nirvana and escaping Samsara, after which he devoted himself to teaching others the steps of the Path he had Discovered.
Buddhism is non-hierarchical and practitioners often freely incorporate cultural customs and beliefs. Even the Dalai Lama, a Tibetan Buddhist revered globally and thought of as a “leader” says plainly that he is “a simple monk”.
The Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path leads you to the Self-Knowledge necessary to Ignite your Spark of Divinity™! Buddha resides within us ALL!!!
Christians worship the Jewish G-d, YHVH. They embrace Jesus of Nazareth as the Son of God, believing He was sent to Earth by the Creator to sacrifice Himself and offering humanity a chance at redemption and the opportunity to earn Heavenly rewards in the afterlife.
The Jewish Religion foretold the coming of Jesus. For Example, Isaiah 53 told of the coming of a Messiah who would endure suffering and be a servant until, like a lamb, He is led to slaughter, and even as He is crucified and pierced, He takes upon Himself the weight of human sin and suffering, offering hope of YHVH’s forgiveness through His Sacrifice.
The birth of Jesus actually reset the calendar, so He was born in 1 AD in what is now Palestine. He lived a very humble life of labor and poverty. Before reaching adolescence, Jesus was well known for displaying an unnatural comprehension of Divinity, views which surpassed the scope of attained human Knowledge and Wisdom, for the period.
At 30, Jesus was a white robed Essene and an Adept, and that is when He began His Gnostic Ministry. He traveled far and wide, spreading His message, performing numerous public miracles, healing the sick, feeding the hungry, and revealing that He, like all humankind, is the Son Of YHVH, Divinity incarnated in the Form of a Person.
By beginning this Gnostic Ministry, Jesus had called down the Light and Illuminated a Sacred Truth: That we are ALL, every one of us, imbued with the Spark of Divinity.
Jesus’ Teachings condemn both governments and organized religions alike, and those ideas were popular enough among the people to threaten the order of the day, causing the stirrings of social and religious rebellion.
As a Gnostic, having firsthand Knowledge of YHVH and Spiritual matters, Jesus revealed some inconvenient Truths for the Power Seekers who controlled Jerusalem:
1. That we need no oppressive government to rob us of our Free Will.
2. That we need no intermediaries or priesthood to stand between ourselves and our Creator, for HE is with US.
3. That Christ’s Gnostic Path leads to YHVH and that He chose to embrace the Jewish Mysticism of the Essenes.
Finally, the corrupt rabbis and lay persons of the Sanhedrin felt so threatened by Jesus and His Teachings that they “arrested” Jesus during the Religious observance of Passover in the City of Jerusalem. They dragged Him before Pontius Pilate, accusing Christ of Blasphemy for allegedly claiming to be “King of the Jews”.
All Four Gospels make it clear that Pilate was ill-disposed to the execution of Jesus, but the Jewish Sanhedrin was insistent, and Pilate finally relented, condemning Jesus. According to the Gospel of Matthew, before pronouncing sentence, Pilate publicly washed his hands and said, “I am innocent of this man’s blood; see to it yourselves.”
The Crucifixion of the Christ was the last Blood Sacrifice made in the Jewish Faith. It is an event of such profundity and power that it was sufficient to atone for all of the combined sins of humankind. Through Jesus’ Willing and Purposeful Sacrifice, we can all be saved in His Name.
Jesus gladly died upon the Cross so that YOU could Ignite your own Spark of Divinity™! Reclaim your Free Will and resist oppression and tyranny!
Druids formed the Priesthood of the Celtic Religion. The origin of the Druidic Path can be traced to ancient Wales, being well established there long before the advent of written history. The Druids, themselves, relied solely upon an oral tradition defining their belief system and its practices. The writing down of any of these Secret and Sacred teachings was forbidden by Druidic law.
The Druids led all religious ceremonies, settled all disputes by acting as Judges, performed medical duties and kept the lore of the people. At the top of the hierarchy of Celtic society, the Druids were devoted academics, often spending two to three decades immersed in the oral tradition that each must learn. Both Greek and Roman historians as far back as the second century BC wrote of the Druidic society as having extensive knowledge of astronomy and mathematics, including physics. These historians recorded Druids as having organized legal systems and promoting education, treating scientific and mathematical knowledge as sacred. Still, despite their evolved systems and societies, the historians (Posidonius, 2nd century BC historian; Julius Caesar after the Gaelic war; and, later, Tacitus, author of “The Annals of Imperial Rome and Germania”) described them as “noble savages” and condemned their religious practices as “barbaric”.
Since the Druidic religious rites and rituals were never written down, there is much that has been lost. Still, there is much that remains and Druidism is a part of that Spark of Divinity within each of us. They believed, for example, that Death is merely the shedding of flesh that allows the soul to migrate to a different body. This belief made them fierce in battle, since they had no Fear of an eternal death.
We further know that the Druids were very active in their practices and, according to Julius Caesar, “The whole nation of the Gauls is greatly devoted to ritual observances…”. Druids presided over most aspects of daily life, their authority unquestioned.
Many of the rituals Druids performed did involve animal and human sacrifice, a practice which disgusted and terrified the Romans. It was considered best to sacrifice those judged to be criminals by the Druids, but innocent people were also chosen, when necessary.
Druidic practices were actively discouraged, and their teachings suppressed by the emperor Tiberius (14-37 AD). In 54 AD, Emperor Claudius outlawed the Druids entirely.
The mighty Kingdom of the Druids was dealt a blow from which it never recovered in 61 AD. Claudius sent the armies of Rome to Anglesey, the last Druidic stronghold left in Britain, annihilating the Druids as well as the Sacred Groves that were central to their lives and worship.
Druids venerate nature, the Spirits of Nature, and the Living Earth. They recognized the Divinity that abides in the World and within themselves. A number of scholars believe that the Hindu “Brahman” in the East were once one with the Celtic Druids of the West, and that these priests were remnants of an even more ancient Indo-European religious priesthood. The similarities, when examined, are striking.
Universal Divinity treasures and keeps the Wisdom we have been able to rediscover that the Druids and others left behind. The Druidic Path remains in the energy of the trees and Sacred Groves where they once practiced. All that they knew remains in the Collective Unconscious of humankind, and therefore, is not lost. It is merely awaiting rediscovery.
Now, more than ever, our battered Earth needs a Guardian and Earth’s most steadfast Guardian has always been the Druid.
In the fourth century, when Odin became a God after being Enlightened at the tree Yggdrasill, Norse and Germanic tribes inhabited the same Northern European lands: England, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, and even Northern Italy. For this reason, Germanic and Norse religion are synonymous, sharing a Pantheon of Gods and congruity of ritual practices.
There are twelve primary Gods in the Pantheon. Odin married Frigg, and together they rule the Norse/Germanic Pantheon and are the King and Queen of Asgard. The other Gods, with the exception of Thor, are considered of lesser import, though all should be venerated. They are:
Odin- All-Father, Ruler of Asgard
Frigg- Wife of Odin, Queen of Asgard, Goddess of Love & Fate
Thor- Odin’s youngest son, God of Weather, Strongest Warrior in Asgard
Baldr- God of Light, Beauty, Love, & Happiness
Bragi- Wise & Courteous, God of Skaldic Poetry & Prose
Heimdal- Guardian of Bifrost (the road between Asgard & Midgard)
Tyr- God of War
Njord- God of Sea & Seafarers
Frey & Freya- Goddess of Fertility
Ullr- Son of Thor’s wife, God of Skiing
Forseti- God of Justice
The worship of these gods of the Norse and Germanic peoples is called ‘Asatru’, and it included veneration of the giants and of our Ancestors. The most important writings about its history and practice are found in the Elder Edda (also called the Poetic Edda) and the Younger Edda (also called the Prose Edda). These books contain such gems as “Hávámál”. Their existence and study of them have also resulted in a well-documented and mostly complete record of Norse and Germanic religion.
The most important Rituals were held at the most important temple, Uppsala, located in Sweden. There, kings were buried with treasure troves and great magic was wrought. Every nine years, upon the Vernal Equinox, Vikings were expected to attend the Festival, or “Thing”, at Uppsala and to participate in the ritual sacrifice of nine of each kind of animal as well as human sacrifice. To be chosen as being worthy of sacrifice to the Gods was a great honor and ensured entrance to Valhalla, which can otherwise be won only through an impressive death in battle.
In the 1970s, the Odinic Rite undertook a comprehensive, scholarly, and complete study of the Eddas and other writings of the time and codified what became known as The Nine Noble Virtues, a code and creed by which the Vikings lived and which many modern practitioners attempt to live by. These are:
1. Courage
2. Truth
3. Honor
4. Fidelity
5. Discipline
6. Hospitality
7. Industriousness
8. Self-reliance
9. Perseverance
The Viking way was to live a free and fearless life, to venerate the Gods and family above all else, and to die with Honor for the Glory of the All-Father, earning a place at Odin’s table.
In Life, they lived like Gods: In Death, they became Gods. Realize your own Divinity and join them!
Wicca is a highly eclectic Neopagan revivalist movement that embraces virtually any teachings that remain from ancient and primal traditions. This fusion of religions, philosophies and mythos knows no barriers, borrowing Divine Names, Rituals, etc., from all geographical areas and from all areas of time.
Most Wiccans adhere to a single Law, or tenet, which governs their practices and guides their actions, “An it harm none, do what thou wilt.” This is the final line of the Wiccan Rede and is a quote attributed to Aliester Crowley, who was decidedly un-Wiccan, despite Gerald Gardener’s inclusion of Crowley’s words in his document.
Still, despite being a gross misrepresentation, it may have been another happy accident that Wicca should embrace Crowley’s words. What he said is a powerful declaration of acceptance of the importance of Free Will, the bold proclamation of one's own connection to the Divine. Or to the Infernal, depending on the Wiccan or Witch in question.
Just as significant as the Wiccan Rede, is ‘the Three-fold Law” which warns against the use of magic for unbalanced or wicked deeds. Called simply, “The Rule of Three”, it is the threat of Karmic backlash as it is described by practitioners of Elemental Magic. In their version, you are judged by the Forces you call upon and they examine your Intent. If they find that your intentions are good, you will be rewarded with thrice the goodness you have wrought, but if they find your intentions unworthy or evil, evil thrice the amount that you have wrought will be visited upon you.
Remember the rhyme,
“Mind the Rule of Threefold Law you should, three times bad and three times good.”
These simple lines are your reminder of the Karmic backlash associated with malign intent. It is a naturally occurring phenomenon.
In simple truth, Wicca is both ancient and brand new. It is a coat of many colors, pieced together from fraying fragments and held together with whispers.
Seax-Wicca, or Saxon-Wicca, As introduced by Raymond Buckland in “The Tree: The Complete Book of Saxon Witchcraft” (Samuel Weiser, 1974), is one of the few Wiccan schools of thought which claims to embrace a single Pantheon of Divinity. Buckland claims that the Saxon Witch worshipped Woden, or Odin, and his fellow Gods of Valhalla.
Another tradition which remains close to the teachings and oral traditions of the Ancients can be found in “A Witches’ Bible: The Complete Witches Handbook” by Janet and Stewart Farrar (1981). While more eclectic than Buckland's narrow description of a “Witch”, the Farrar’s possess a rich Celtic history and are sticklers for tradition. They are thorough and their book is, as the title claims, complete. Study of the tome will lead to spiritual growth if you let it guide you.
Wiccans are practitioners of Elemental magic and strongly favor the Divine Feminine, actively seeking to call upon Goddesses and generally relying on few male God-Forms. These tend to be less specific, such as “The Horned God” or “The Green Man”, even just ”The God”.
Despite the seeming Chaos, Wicca contains an element of Order that is sufficient to create a balanced system. Because it has borrowed from Ancient, Sacred systems of Magic and Religion, it deals in Powerful Archetypes, deeply embedded in the racial memory of Earth and the Astral. Things that will answer, if called upon correctly.
Universal Divinity is founded upon the same desire to reclaim Free Will: to command the Elements and Archetypes, just as the Gods do, for we ARE Divine!
Left Hand Path
For some people, the Light shines most brightly when it emanates from the Darkness. These people are drawn to the Severity and Chaos of the Black Path. Good and Evil, or the Eternal Struggle between the two forces, are of no consequence to the Walker of the Left Hand Path. The Left Hand Path favors Black Magic, forbidden rituals, and is almost always self-serving rather than balanced or for a positive end. Having no loyalty to Creation or a Creator and seeing no Divine Purpose worth devoting oneself to, the Climber of the Black Pillar will evoke or invoke forces Holy or Unholy, will commit vile and blasphemous acts if they believe the reward will be great enough.
The Religion one immediately thinks of when the Left Hand Path is mentioned is the one known as “Satanism”. Said to be a collection of philosophies and ideologies based upon Satan, it is a contemporary and contradictory system founded in the United States by Anton LaVey in 1966. The Church of Satan is the first open example of a church claiming to worship Satan and, in fact, LaVey founded an ATHEISTIC Church of Satan, which is ridiculous since Atheism precludes the belief in YHVH, which, by necessity, makes belief in or veneration of Satan impossible.
The Church of Satan, like its founder, Anton LaVey, is largely a failed attempt. A poor joke. LaVey was a dishonest man with no credibility and entirely lacking in Arcane or Esoteric Knowledge. His flock is made up of the weakest, most gullible of the sheep and, historically, he more closely resembles Charles Manson than any Religious Leader.
The few true Satanists who do exist gain their knowledge from Judaic or even older religions and texts, and can be traced back as far as 2500 years. The esoteric and eclectic Western Esoteric Tradition offers a wealth of Arcane Forbidden Knowledge.
Much of the Evil Knowledge and Practice that can be found on the Left Hand Path has nothing to do with Satan or the Judaic/Christian Tradition. Rather, it is far more likely that the Dark Wizard will call upon Mesopotamian Pazuzu, one of the first Demons Named in this World. Or perhaps they would call upon Greek Prometheus, who was cast from Olympus after having defied Zeus and given Fire (the Spark of Divinity) to humankind. Or upon Egyptian Apophis; Kali of Hinduism; the Norse Goddess Hel’; Ahriman of Zoroastrianism; the Necronomicon, or as it was originally titled, Al-azif; or even attempting to wake sleeping Azathoth of the Cthulhu mythos. It may simply be the Politician, whose Evil God is Power over others and whose words are lies.
Indeed, it doesn't matter the type of ritual you choose to perform or construct, or the Pantheon or Authority you choose to call upon. All that matters is the intent of the Mage. It is the will of the Operator which makes a ritual Evil and of the Black Pillar. If your desire is to gain personal power for self-serving or destructive reasons, you are on the Left Hand Path. If you are looking for the “easy way” or “shortcuts”, you are on the Left Hand Path. If you use that which is Sacred to achieve that which is profane, the results will be an abomination. If the Black Mage uses Magic or Will to harm others, the backlash will be seven-fold.
The existence of those who gravitate toward the Darkness is as natural and inevitable as the Stars in the night sky. If there is Good, there will be Evil. The Balance must be maintained. Many will change course and could yet serve the Light; others will remain shrouded in wickedness.
One need not embrace Evil in order to have Knowledge of both the Black and the White Pillars, which contain and reveal all Opposites. To lean too far to either side is an imbalance that can lead to problems, but the Nature of Entities on the Left-Hand Path is rarely sympathetic to human endeavors. They are unforgiving and demand great prices for seeking their aid. They are as likely to cause your demise as they are to aid you. Perhaps even more likely. Betrayal is to be expected in any such interactions. Do not bargain with Devils. They will only give you what already belongs to you.
Igniting your Spark of Divinity™ through use of Black Magic can seem incredibly rewarding, but this is an illusion. Magic is neither Black, nor White. Magic is Gray. It is the heart of the Practitioner that gives the Magic Life and Purpose.
Occultism & Western Esoteric Tradition
Originating with the Latin word occultus, meaning hidden or secret, Occultism is the “knowledge of that which is hidden”. In practical terms, Occultism consists of Esoteric supernatural beliefs and practices that are not normally accepted or endorsed by major organized Religion or mainstream Science. Occultism, the search for knowledge of the hidden, of that which is secret, embraces magic, mysticism, and spellcasting. This Path involves the exploration of other Planes of Existence (both Inner and Outer), as well as interaction with Extraplanar Spiritual or Divine entities. It is founded upon the doctrine of Astrology, Alchemy, and Natural Magic. It also utilizes various forms of Divination.
The crowning glory of Occultism, encompassing the combined Wisdom of some of the most enlightened sources in history, is the Western Esoteric Tradition. Also referred to as the Western Mystery Tradition, it is the result of painstaking work and study by generations of Religious and Philosophical academics, all working to categorize and show the correlations and relationships between ideas and movements that developed in Western Society. Both the Occultist and the student of the Western Esoteric Tradition swim in the same thirst quenching waters.
Hermeticism is based on the writings of Hermes Trismegistus. “Trismegistus” the Thrice Great, alludes to his being the founder of the Three Wisdoms: Alchemy, Astrology, and Magic.
Occultists and Esoteric students find the majority of information concerning Hermetic Sciences in Hermes Trismegistus' books: The Emerald Tablet, Corpus Hermeticum, The Divine Pymander, The Virgin of the World, and other scattered works.
Another source of equally valuable and vital knowledge for the seeker is the Qabala. There is a Hermetic Qabbalah detailing a Western Esoteric Tradition involving Mysticism, the Occult, and even Gnosticism. It is an eclectic yet well organized and deeply studied body of Wisdom that has given rise to some of our most astute modern minds and organizations. Without this Wisdom, we would not have the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, or the Religion of Thelema. Also missing would be Helena Blavatsky, founder of the theosophical society, which furthered the spread of interest in Hermetic and Occult matters, helping the tradition to grow and prosper.
Occultism spawned Aleister Crowley, Israel Regardie, S. L. McGregor Mathers, Sir Arthur Edward Waite, Dion Fortune, W. Wynn Wescott, the list is endless, and the genius represented here has elevated human understanding of the Occult and the Esoteric to great heights. Each area of Western Esotericism could easily take a lifetime to Master. The amount of Sacred, Holy, and Secret material will make access to study materials easy, just be cautioned to not progress more quickly than is safe, for the occult path is often rife with danger.
Seeking Occult or Esoteric Knowledge and Wisdom comes with inherent risks. Not all Entities are friends of humanity and will seek to deceive you, perhaps even do you harm. For that reason it is crucial that you are Spiritually prepared for the encounters you hope to have. Daily Charging of the personal Energies, the Creation of the Sphere of Sensation, Banishing, Invoking, and Purification rituals, should all be a part of your regular, if not daily, routine. The words of Friedrich Nietzsche ring loud, “Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.” Nowhere are these words more true than on Occult Paths, where everything is Hidden or not as it seems.
Do not confuse Occult with Evil. Much of the lives of the Christ and the Buddha are Occulted by history and should be rediscovered. Occultism and the Western Esoteric Tradition could be the best way to do that. The way to reassemble the Tower of Babel.
Seek, in safety, the Secret Wisdom that will Ignite your Spark of Divinity™.
Inherent Divinity™
One of the most important and often overlooked Religious Doctrines in the World is contained within the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America. In these documents, the Founding Fathers clearly acknowledged the existence of a Creator and the Right to worship the Creator in whatever manner you, as an individual, choose to.
Of equal importance is that the Founding Fathers declared the Inherent Equality of all persons, not just Americans but across the Globe. It was they who established that Human Rights are Inherent Rights that are bestowed upon us not by a human government but by our Creator. Being Inherent and of Divine Origin, our rights cannot be denied, taken away, or infringed upon in any way by our government or its agents.
Many are under the mistaken conception that it is the Constitution which gives us our Rights. That is not true. If our Rights are inherent and we are born with them, then we must understand the real reason for the writing of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The Declaration of Independence recognizes the existence of the Creator, establishes that our Rights are of Divine Origin, and proclaims the innate Equality of all people. It makes clear that we must Consent to be Ruled. The Constitution exists to protect those Divine Rights from those who would benefit from usurping them, most specifically the American Federal Government.
The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America are a Path to Inherent Divinity. They teach us that we are connected to the Creator and encourage Free Will. The rights described in these Sacred Documents are also Duties, the fulfillment of which can be an unerring guide to a meaningful life.
Universal Divinity Ministry embraces the words and teachings of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States of America, as well as other writings by the Founding Fathers, such as the Federalist Papers. We view them as being just as Sacred and Divine as any Holy Doctrine ever written and we have included them as one of our Paths and as part of our Religious Doctrine. Always and forever, Universal Divinity Ministry swears an Oath that:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” -Declaration of Independence
Welcome to the realization of the path of Free Will and Inherent Divinity™.
Divine Earth Movement ™
Universal Divinity’s Divine Earth Movement™, is an original initiative. It is absolutely essential that the citizens of Earth act to save the Planet from the politically and economically driven exploitation that has pushed every ecosystem to the brink. The Earth is also a Living part of Creation, imbued with the same Divine Energy that imbues everything, connecting us all, linking us to the Mother Earth who sustains us.
Veneration of the Earth as a conscious, living entity is as old as humankind itself, the most Primal of the Primal religions. It existed in Animism, Shamanism, Totemism, Druidism, and in all of the many Paths which stemmed from them.
Modern Wicca and Druidism are almost entirely Nature Worship religions and other new Nature based religions are emerging all the time. Many of these stem from the resurgence of interest in Neopaganism.
Ancient Earth Religions have remained a major, but largely ignored, part of the teachings of the mainstream Religions, those which are practiced by the majority of the modern world. We find an emphasis on Harmony and Oneness with Nature in the Mesopotamian Religion, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, the Tao, and others.
A driving force behind the Divine Earth Movement™ is a sincere and healthy respect for Science. Science is clearly sounding the alarm on nearly every Climate issue and it is also being largely ignored by the Power Seekers we’ve enabled. The Environment’s self-proclaimed allies have abandoned reason in favor of rhetoric once again, and the Politicians who promised Green Solutions are now in a corner. Being unable to keep their Utopian promises, they are now rushing to open yet more oil pipelines so we can produce more oil and further condemn the Earth to its demise. Amazingly, they still proclaim themselves Champions of Nature as they rape the land, pollute the water, and make the air unbreathable.
We must fight the continued production and use of fossil fuels and demand that Science provide realistic alternative energy sources. Globally, our resources ought already to be allocated to this, but instead we are building hypersonic missiles.
Perhaps, in the tradition of Nikola Tesla, we should invent (or re-invent) our own energy source and prove it can be done without government sanction, approval, permission, or aid. The Divine Earth Movement isn’t asking for any of those things. We have already spoken with experts on alternative energy and will use it wherever possible.
Universal Divinity recognizes that the Universe is Alive, that Form is the Body and Force is the Consciousness, the Soul. We recognize that this Energy within us is Divine, a tiny mote of the Creator, and that our Human Nature is indisputably Divine. Upon the Death of the human vessel, the Energy returns to the Source from whence it came. Each of us are like drops of water; when joined together we become an ocean of Consciousness.
For the Earth to be healthy, we must respect it. If we, ourselves, are to be healthy of Body, Mind, and Spirit, we must Venerate and Protect it. If we are ever to put aside petty human rivalries, created by competing governing bodies over dwindling resources, then we must see clearly that the Earth is Alive, not just a commodity or lines on a map. Earth is Conscious and desperately attempting to regain homeostasis, to correct the imbalances created by humans in both the Material and Spiritual realms.
As a Ministry, we will observe and hold of special significance the original Holy days of the Primal Religions, often observed now by Modern Wiccans and Pagans, among others on Arcane Paths. These are the Sabbats and the Esbats, which mark important dates, including the seasons and times for worship, for reaping, and for harvesting.
The Divine Earth Movement™ presents the solution to the valid concerns expressed by Paul Greenberg and Carl Safina, who said in an excellent article they authored for Time Magazine, “…we find the ill-defined nature of the only day honoring the place that makes life itself possible more than a little sacrilegious.”
They were referring to Earth Day, 1970, which brought 20 million Americans, roughly 10% of the US population then, into the streets in what is still considered the “largest single day protest in human history.” On that day we saw a beautiful and poignant example of the mass igniting of Divinity among people, and it was brought about by Veneration of the Earth, by our primal need and natural instinct to Protect and Preserve Earth, to keep it healthy and, most importantly:
To love the Earth as you love your Mother and let the Earth Ignite your Divinity™.
Universal Divinity™
Universal Divinity™ is a non-denominational Ministry, entirely accepting of any Religious or Philosophical Path that leads the Aspirant to an Evolved and Enlightened understanding of the Spiritual and Material World.
We maintain that the Universal Energy which brings Life and Consciousness to lifeless and mindless Matter is, itself, Conscious and has a Divine Plan, of which we are a part. We each have within us the Spark of the Divine™.
We are Caretakers and Guardians of the Earth and must ACT to ensure its safety. Protest. Write letters. Donate. There are ways to fight for the Earth and Universal Divinity well always stand up for the Planet we love.
Humanity influences the Polarity of the Energy that animates us, either toward Positivity, Negativity, or Neutrality. This Energy then acts upon and influences the Energy surrounding us, setting up a field of vibration that causes there to be a frequency detectable across the boundaries of the Multiverse by entities and intelligences according to their Nature. A lively, healthy positive Energy field, or aura, is generally higher on the scale and can resonate like tinkling bells, attracting benign spirits. On the other hand (the left one) a deep, dark stifling miasma could surround you, an unhealthy negative aura whose frequency is low in scale and is pleasing to denizens of darkness. It is the Energy we emanate which draws extra-planer attention, and, generally, like attracts like. The Earth and its inhabitants thrive most in the Neutral Energy which we will call Mildness. It is a balanced Energy, Masculine and Feminine, Active and Passive, encompassing all polarities and frequencies known upon Earth.
We denounce any man-made authority which infringes on Divine Law or Natural Law. We do not entrust our Divine Free Will to governments, churches, or any institution, but hold that in all things, we are each free to choose for ourselves what is right or wrong. Only by exercising our Free will can it evolve towards Divinity.
We understand that every Religion, every Philosophy, has been humanity's attempt to explain itself. That we intuitively know that to consider ourselves “accidents of evolution” is ludicrous. We blow upon the embers that ignite Divinity in ourselves and others, regardless of the Paths we walk. For the greater good, the Lions will lie down with the Lambs.
Universal Divinity is a Living Ministry. We want to be active and effective, to spread the word around the globe that we need not be divided by matters of Religion. Divinity is in every one of us, the right to choose how things are done on this Earth belongs to its inhabitants. If we do not want an aged idiot to create another pipeline for oil on the suffering globe, then he should NOT. He is driven by unholy forces.
Universal Divinity seeks out all of those who are the poorest among us, providing supplies, counseling, whatever we can offer. Our primary area of focus is the Appalachian region, which you can read about in our Appalachian outreach section.
In Truth and Fact, each one of you is already a member of universal divinity because within you is that Spark of Divinity. By committing to active acceptance of that Divinity, reclamation of your Free Will, and the desire to perform works in the name of what you believe, you are acting in accordance with your Nature and helping to bring Harmony to all of the Earth.
Universal Divinity will explore ways to live a sustainable life with Earth-centric goals and beliefs. We are among the New Druids, Caretakers and Guardians of Earth.
There is nothing more terrifying to an oppressive regime than a single spark in the Darkness: The Spark of Divinity™. As Gandhi has shown, we have the power to shape our world and to bring about great change. This shall be our Goal.

“Every man and every woman is a star.”
-Aleister Crowley