Universal Divinity Ordination
There is nothing one can do or accomplish that is of greater importance than the compassion and generosity for which one is known.
Each and every one of you is a Child of the Universe, containing the Spark of Divinity™, and are already “Ministers”. We view ordination quite differently than most organizations with the “authority” to Ordinate.
Once you have Ignited the Spark within you, you may very well decide that devotion to a healthy world and enlightened, self-ruling inhabitants is the Path for you. The Path of Universal Divinity™. It is then that you will be ready to enter Service and become a Universal Divinity Minister. There is much work to be done and you will be welcomed.
So far, it sounds very much like any Ordination, but the difference is profound. We Ordain Universal Divinity Ministers based solely upon our inherently Divine Right to do so. We do not accept that a secular government agency has any authority in Religious matters and loudly proclaim the distinct separation between Church and State.
Regardless of this alleged separation, the state of Ohio claims to be an entity with the authority to license ministers, for a fee, of course.
Since a cornerstone of Universal Divinity Doctrine, a tenet of the Ministry, is that we will recognize no Authority as being higher than Divine Authority, this can be a problem. It creates the illusion that Universal Divinity somehow desires, or requires, the permission of the State in order to allow you to walk the Path you have chosen. The State will refuse to recognize the Weddings, Baptisms, Funerals, or any other Holy Rite you perform as being legal until you show your submissiveness by paying this arbitrary and inexplicable “fee”. What our founder refers to as, “Power Seeker Sanctioned Extortion.”
Unfortunately, our Constitution has been trampled by those who swore to Preserve and Protect it until it is barely recognizable. We have stealthily had our Free Will stolen and replaced by a Government authored “revised code”. Universal Divinity Ministers should not be forced to swear allegiance to the Ministry and then be required to render unto Caesar what is NOT Caesars.
While, at this time, we have no way to avoid the pretense of ”respecting” the States “authority” to require you to be licensed if you wish to officiate, what we can, and will do, is to Ordain you at no cost from Universal Divinity.
Universal Divinity presumes that by becoming a Minister, you wish to do good and to help others, and we do not think any decent person or worthwhile entity would charge you a fee to do that! We believe, rather, that such intentions should be rewarded.
Our Ministers have full access to the resources we have available and the full support of Universal Divinity Ministry, so long as they remain upon the path.
We Salute the Divinity within you and we are anxious for every one of you to join our Congregation.

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!””