Public Appearances & Guest Speaking
Our goal is to help to Ignite the Spark of Divinity™ within each individual, one person at a time, until the entire Globe is inhabited by a Balanced and Harmonious people who are Conscious of their connectedness. This understanding is the catalyst to Saving the Earth, which is the sole purpose for the Universal Divinity™ Divine Earth Movement™. Universal Divinity is prepared to explain in detail our Doctrine, to show Scientifically the Truth we represent, to discuss issues of Sustainable Sustainability™ rather than the ridiculous proposals our leaders pretend to believe in, and to discuss Research and Development projects planned by Universal Divinity which are aimed at eradicating the need for fossil fuels.
We are fortunate to have Ministers with expertise in many fields and who are experienced public speakers, comfortable engaging with any audience in any environment. These Ministers do not deliver hell-fire sermons or deliver dry, boring lectures read from notecards. Rather, they engage directly with the crowd, welcoming questions and audience interaction. We value your opinions as much as you value ours.
Universal Divinity is willing to discuss any topic and we consider no topic taboo. If a topic cannot be discussed, it only festers and becomes internal resentment and bitterness. Universal Divinity takes the Path of Mildness in such matters, confronting it with Openness, Honesty, and Compassion. Our speakers understand the value of Truth, knowing that if an audience hears a lie, or detects insincerity, that the group immediately becomes distrustful and disengaged. We do not condescend and are always sincere in the topics we discuss. We are not outside the reach of the audience, but a part of it. Universal Divinity events are memorable and meaningful, an experience that can change your Life and expand your perception of your World.
Arrange for one of our professional public speakers to attend your event or venue. We can accommodate small groups and have spoken at universities. Size or place does not matter, only that you contact us.
Our Universal Divinity message is clear and it is imperative to saving the Planet. It challenges and empowers EVERYONE to make the necessary changes, offering REAL solutions. Most importantly, it completely avoids involvement in the lengthy and embarrassingly ineffective “climate measures” that our “leaders” are currently taking globally and returns the control to the Citizens of Earth.
Ours is a non-denominational organization and not based on any divisive dogma. We do not believe that dogma ought to be a pretense to war or oppression, such as we have seen for decades between Israel and their unfriendly neighbors.
Every talk we give or presentation we make is custom designed to be a good fit for your organization. We research your own goals and initiatives and present what it is that you want to discuss. Whether you seek a Guest Minister to give a Sermon based on our Faith or whether you have other topics in mind, our interests and affiliations are Global and we will find the perfect Minister to best address you, your needs, and your beliefs.
For lively and enlightening presentations, Universal Divinity doesn't disappoint. We will make you think and, more importantly, talk about how to Ignite that Spark of Divinity within you.

“In my opinion, there is no aspect of reality beyond the reach of the human mind.”
-Stephen Hawking