Blessed Solstice, Joyous Yule
On the night of the Winter Solstice, Universal Divinity Ministry wants to wish everyone a joyous Yule. Those in the Pagan community recognize Yule as the time when the old God dies and is reborn while the Goddess rejoices in the Gods rebirth and her return to warmth in the Spring. This is a time for ritual, utilizing the forces of regenerative magic. Inspiration for new beginnings and new paths can be found during Yule.
Yule is also an extremely important time in maintaining balance and harmony within your home. In celebration of the Winter Solstice, the Yule log, which is an ancient symbol of the Winter, ought to be inscribed with wishes or problems and burned. This is a powerful Archetype and a potent ritual of cleansing and protection that can only create a happy and healthier environment.
May all of your logs burn brightly.