Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Universal Divinity Ministry!

Few Holidays are as Magical, as Sacred, Holy, and Spiritual as the Christmas Holiday. We have the Winter Solstice, which has been a time of Ritual and Religious Ceremony for Christians and Pagans alike. We have the Sabbat Yule, which gave us the tradition of the burning of the Yule log, and the Twelve Days of Christmas.

In this Season of Holidays, we can clearly see the melding of belief systems, existing in Harmony because they express a Universal Truth.

Many think of the God Odin as the original “Santa”. He was called Nik and is associated with the Holly King. Children used to leave sugar and hay for Odin’s 8-legged horse, Sleiphnir, and he put gifts in their shoes. Others equate Christmas with the kindness of the Belgian and French nuns who bestowed gifts upon the poor in the name of Saint Nicholas, expanding this Spirit of Giving. Still, others believe that Santa Claus is alive and well at the North Pole, already busy with his loyal and irreplaceable elves in preparation for NEXT Christmas.

All of these are right because they are all a part of the Sacred, Holy, Powerful Archetype that is so important to the human body, mind, and soul. This has always been a time of Magic and worship, from Saturnalia and Mithras, to Odin, Cernunnos, and God Almighty, Yod-Heh-Vau-Heh.

Whatever you believe, you can be a part of the Magic at this most Sacred of times simply by adding your own Good Will to the Archetype. Enjoy the Season, help others to enjoy it, be kind and have empathy and compassion. Give of yourself freely and without regret or expectation. Thank the Creator, in whatever way you deem appropriate, for the Blessing of the Universe and our Connectedness to the Divine.

This has always been the Magic of the Season. It calls to the best within each of us and challenges us to make our World a happier, better place for everyone.

Bless every one of you and may the Spirit of the Season be upon you and within you. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from everyone at Universal Divinity Ministry.

Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity

Spence received his education from Ashland University. His studies were focused on Psychology, Criminal Justice, Philosophy, Religion and Sociology. He graduated from AU with a Comprehensive Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice and Psychology, Sociology minor (cum laude).

He has studied and practiced many of the World’s Religions and Spiritual Systems and has found a Spark of Truth in each. He was Ordained in 2007 and reaffirmed his convictions by being re-Ordained on November 2, 2022. He studied ULC doctrine and received his Doctor of Divinity (honorarium) through them.

He enlisted in the US Navy at age 17 and is a Patriot.


World Religion Day


Blessed Solstice, Joyous Yule