Our Visit to Rhoda Wise Home

On Thursday, February 29th, we had the privilege of being permitted to visit the home of Rhoda Wise in Canton, Ohio. It was a deeply moving and meaningful experience and yet so much more. Being in a place that has been visited by Jesus and His Little Flower is like visiting a place more Holy than the grandest Cathedral. The home of Rhoda Wise is a Sacred Place where Miracles have occurred and been well documented. It inspires and renews Faith, and that is its purpose. Rhoda was a good and Godly woman who experienced great suffering. She endured it bravely, always, always trusting in God and adoring Him. For her willingness to suffer such pain without complaint for His Glory, He sent his Son, Jesus, to her, along with His Little Flower, St. Therese. The Little Flower healed Rhoda’s body and Jesus healed her soul.

Rhoda was visited by Jesus several times, either alone or with The Little Flower. She received healing and instructions on her role in guiding humanity back to God. Rhoda recorded the events of her Divine visits and heeded her instructions, always helping the sick and afflicted. Miraculous events and healing occurred around her.

We encourage any person of Faith, no matter what your religion or philosophy might be, to visit the home of Rhoda Wise. It is the sort of pilgrimage that just might Ignite Your Spark of Divinity™.

Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity

Spence received his education from Ashland University. His studies were focused on Psychology, Criminal Justice, Philosophy, Religion and Sociology. He graduated from AU with a Comprehensive Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice and Psychology, Sociology minor (cum laude).

He has studied and practiced many of the World’s Religions and Spiritual Systems and has found a Spark of Truth in each. He was Ordained in 2007 and reaffirmed his convictions by being re-Ordained on November 2, 2022. He studied ULC doctrine and received his Doctor of Divinity (honorarium) through them.

He enlisted in the US Navy at age 17 and is a Patriot.


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