Our Sacred Independence
On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress ratified the Declaration of Independence and the United States of America was born. On that day, we formally declared our independence and freedom from any foreign government. We had come to America to escape the tyranny and oppression of government, and our Founding Fathers created for us a government that would rule at the pleasure of the People. They gave the Rights to the individual in the attempt to protect us against the political tyranny that governments always eventually seem to embrace.
Our Founding Fathers understood that we are born with these Rights and that they are granted to us by our Creator, meaning that no one has the right to infringe upon them. Our Founding Fathers were even so farsighted as to have included a Section in the Declaration of Independence which states very clearly that the people have a Right and a Duty to rebel against an unjust government. We are encouraged to only agree to be ruled Fairly and Justly, and we may, at any time, Rescind our Consent to be Ruled, stripping an unjust government of its power and returning that power to the People. There can be no doubt that our Founding Fathers were not in favor of a strong central government or the powerful and oppressive law enforcement, agencies it has spawned. In fact, they did everything in their power to protect us against such invasive and intrusive institutions.
On July 4, 1776, a new type of government was born that had never before been seen on Earth. More importantly, perhaps, is that it was the first time that a governing body recognized that the individual is born with inherent Rights that the government should never attempt to fluster. Americans were meant from the beginning to be a Free, strong Nation of people. An example that would lead the World to embrace the Call of Freedom. Today is not just a holiday, but it is a Holy day. It is a Sacred day. A day upon which a Nation was built upon the Foundation of Freedom and a new way of life was established.
We thank all of those men and women who worked to make us a Free Nation. We honor all of our soldiers who have answered the call and left their home to defended our freedom and the freedom of those who could not defend themselves. This is what America is all about. It is what we stand for. In the beginning, we were a Nation of rebels, all guilty of treason, and we were the most progressive and enlightened Nation on Earth. We were the Light in the Darkness, and each of us a criminal.
I pray that this Spirit still lives on in America and in the hearts of Americans so that Freedom and Liberty might endure here forever.
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Independence Day and I hope that you took a moment to reflect on the Wisdom and the courage that our Founding Fathers showed when they penned the Declaration of Independence and gave us our freedom.