Happy Easter, Blessed Ostara

The Spring Equinox is a Sacred Night for the followers of many of the World's religions. “Equinox” is a Latin word that means equal night, a night that lasts as long as the day. This event marks the official beginning of Spring. It stands as a visible symbol of the Resurrection of Nature after the death-like sleep of Winter. The Spring Equinox told humankind that it was time to plant the fields, an event that has always been venerated and filled with Rituals meant to Bless the Harvest. Christians chose the Spring Equinox as the day to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It was Christ's Resurrection that renewed the World. To the Germans and Saxons, this day is Eostre, the name of the Goddess of the Spring and of fertility. To modern Wiccans, Pagans, and Neo-Pagans, it is called Ostara, a Sabbat that combines Eostre with many cultural and traditional religious systems such as those of the Scandinavians, Celts, and Britons.

This is a celebration that unites us all in our veneration of Earth, in worship of our Creator, and in our Cycles of Evolution. It is a day when we should do as Christ did and reject divisive dogma.

Matthew 23:1-4 says:

1 Then Jesus said to the crowds and to His Disciples. 2 “The teachers of religious law and the Pharisees are the official interpreters of the law of Moses. 3 So practice and obey whatever they tell you, but do not follow their example. For they do not practice what they teach. 4 They crush people with unbearable religious demands and never lift a finger to ease the burden.” (NLT)

Today is a day to celebrate the Resurrection of your own Spirit and use the Energy of Spring to Ignite Your Spark of Divinity™.

Happy Easter, blessed Ostara, and joyous Eostre to you all, whatever you may believe.

May the creator bless you.

Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity

Spence received his education from Ashland University. His studies were focused on Psychology, Criminal Justice, Philosophy, Religion and Sociology. He graduated from AU with a Comprehensive Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice and Psychology, Sociology minor (cum laude).

He has studied and practiced many of the World’s Religions and Spiritual Systems and has found a Spark of Truth in each. He was Ordained in 2007 and reaffirmed his convictions by being re-Ordained on November 2, 2022. He studied ULC doctrine and received his Doctor of Divinity (honorarium) through them.

He enlisted in the US Navy at age 17 and is a Patriot.


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