Path of Inherent Divinity

Universal Divinity Ministry (UDM) has already said that we are a non-denominational Ministry and that we hold Sacred the views of Christians, Jews, Buddhists and Hindus, to name just a few. We embrace every Spiritual Path that leads to Enlightenment, wherever we find it, and in whatever context. Often, we find Divinely Inspired doctrines that lay outside of what is normally considered Religious, but which acknowledges and kindles the Spark of Divinity™ within us as thoroughly as any Verse or Veda. A good example can be found upon our Path of Inherent Divinity.

UDM wholeheartedly believes and embraces the Sacred words;

“We hold these truths to be self-evident,

that all men are created equal,

that they are endowed by their Creator

with certain unalienable Rights,

that among these are life, liberty,

and the pursuit of happiness.”

-Declaration of Independence

The Constitution and the Declaration of Independence form a Path of Inherent Divinity. The words in these Documents are not merely for American Citizens, but are a Declaration that ALL people are Born equal to one another, that ALL people are Born with Rights, and that our existence and our Rights are endowed by our Creator. Our Ministry would like to see the Constitution returned to its unmolested original glory and to see its protections be embraced by the entire World. To us, both the Constitution and the Declaration are as Holy and Sacred as any doctrine ever penned, their Cornerstone being Faith.

Our Creator intended for us to be a Strong and Righteous Nation, an example for other Nations who have no Liberty. We are here to do the Creator’s Will and we hope that you will join us on the Path of Inherent Divinity.

May the Creator Bless America and the Founding Fathers.

Minister Spence Hoeflich, E.D. Universal Divinity

Spence received his education from Ashland University. His studies were focused on Psychology, Criminal Justice, Philosophy, Religion and Sociology. He graduated from AU with a Comprehensive Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice and Psychology, Sociology minor (cum laude).

He has studied and practiced many of the World’s Religions and Spiritual Systems and has found a Spark of Truth in each. He was Ordained in 2007 and reaffirmed his convictions by being re-Ordained on November 2, 2022. He studied ULC doctrine and received his Doctor of Divinity (honorarium) through them.

He enlisted in the US Navy at age 17 and is a Patriot.


Memorial Day


Happy Easter, Blessed Ostara