Memorial Day
Memorial Day is many things to many people. For some, it is a long weekend and a perfect chance to take a trip or relax at home. It is often a day for family gatherings and visits with old friends. We decorate the graves of those who have gone before us yet who live on in our hearts. It's a great day for a barbecue and a swim. All of these things have become a part of Memorial Day weekend, and they paint a grand picture of what our brave soldiers have always fought and died to protect: the American Way of Life.
UDM wishes everyone a safe, and happy Memorial Day, whatever you might be doing, wherever you might be. We hope that you will take a moment to remember the true meaning of Memorial Day. To recognize that it is a Sacred and Holy day. A day on which we remember and honor the soldiers who have kept us safe and who defend our Constitution.
Many soldiers have died to preserve the American Way of Life. Their sacrifices are what made these things we so look forward to experiencing every Memorial Day weekend possible. Those long gone soldiers are still with us as long as the Love of Country burns in our hearts and we remain a Free people. This is what soldiers are willing to die for.
Buy a beer for a vet. Invite a soldier to your BBQ. Be kind to the person you see sleeping on the street wearing military dog tags. Remember that soldiers are people who have volunteered to die for you, someone they don't even know.
May the Creator bless your Memorial Day, and your Memorial Day weekend. Especially all of you still out there on Active Duty.
(Photo credit: Tara Severance, 2023, Memorial Plaque at Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA)