The Wolf Moon
Tonight, we celebrate a special Esbat with the Wolf Moon riding the night sky in attendance.
A Wolf Moon holds great Spiritual meaning and significance. Occurring in the heart of Winter, the rites, ceremonies, and rituals normally observed occur indoors and involve inward journeys.
Meditations can be especially potent tonight and it is a good time for Astral travel. Indeed, it is a night which is conducive to spontaneous occurrences of Out of Body or Astral travel. Our millennia of veneration has made the Wolf Moon Archetype powerful and left it rooted deeply in our unconscious. The Universe is always aware of our desire and stands ready to make our Will manifest.
On this Sacred Esbat of the Wolf Moon, call out to the Gods and the Goddesses, to the Spirits of Nature, to the Universe itself, and do not be surprised to receive a reply.
Blessed, be thou.
The Wolf Moon’s Call
In Winter deep and darkness cold,
‘Neath Wolf Moon magic doth unfold,
Homes lit with naught but candlelight,
Spirits of the Wise rise up in flight,
Called to roam by Wolf Moon's pull,
To know all things ‘til we are full,
Running ‘cross the Astral Planes,
A journey filled with magic gains,
Wolf Moon calls us toward the sky,
Our souls respond, not asking why,
The Universe connects us all,
And all should heed the Wolf Moon's call.