What Makes Us Different?
Universal Divinity Ministry is here to offer the Spiritual Aspirant the opportunity to grow without the oppressive constraints of strict adherence to any single Dogma. We chose to be a Non-denominational Ministry because we understand that the Creator's Truth can be found in many religions and teachings. We believe that the Essene Adept, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, revealed to us that He is the Son of God, but He also revealed that through Gnosis, we can all realize that every one of us is God's Child. Christ reviled organized Religions, which stifle Free Will, and Dogmas which are destined to become stagnant as exegetical meanings are lost to time, rendering them empty.
To illustrate, we point out the Biblical story of the Tower of Babel. This story tells us that in our infancy, we had but one Language and one Religion. Our arrogance led to the building of the Tower in an attempt to usurp our place in the Creator’s Heavenly Abode, rather than earn it. The Creator cast the Tower down and in the cataclysm we were divided, separated, no longer of one tongue or belief system. The truth that had allowed us to ascend to the very Gates of Heaven was shattered and became hidden in the cacophony of newly emerging Languages and Religions. We were a World of wandering Tribes, each holding but a piece of the Divine Truth.
Those fragments of the truth still remain for the wise to discover. They are hidden in plain sight among the world's languages and belief systems. Join us as we investigate the religions and philosophies that strive to define us so that we might come to a deeper understanding of ourselves and our Creator. Whether the source is Christian, Buddhist, Pagan, or from the Constitution of the United states, Divine Truth is always Universal and resonates deeply inside. Dogma is divisive but contains within it Knowledge and Wisdom that is necessary to our Spiritual Evolution. It is our task as Spiritual Aspirants and Servants of the Creator to explore these lessons and strip away the hand of man and to reveal the hand of God.
All of us have the capacity within us to discover the truth, to obtain Knowledge and Wisdom, to equally Revere the Christ and the Buddha and to understand our own Divine Nature. It is this understanding that is the key to our continued survival, to our Spiritual and Material Evolution, and to finally end the needless suffering that mars our World.
We invite you to study and to grow with us, to join with us and aid us in the worthy goal of making our World a more United and Enlightened place. Once we realize that Dogma is, and always has been, a force of division, we are able to be inclusive. By studying and understanding the Religions and Philosophies of others, we can finally realize that there is only one Creator and that we are all Connected.
For more information about our beliefs and ways, visit the other pages on our website.